Revenge and Determination

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Heya, readers! I'm back! Again, I ran out of ideas lately. Also, I'm busy with my project on college. Don't expect me to do fast update from now, ok? That's all and as always, Happy Reading :).

"Are you sure this is the right way to that damned Professor's throne room?"

"Yes, I am sure of it. But are you sure you are in a good condition? You are seriously injured."

"You are just the same as me so stop wasting time and go to that bastard's room."

Yugo responded to Yuto, who was running next to him. Yugo had encountered Yuto and Shun while running around aimlessly in attempt to locate the Professor. Shun told the pair to go while Shun facing a small group of Academia students who block their way.

"Seriously, how much longer do we have until we reached the boss's room? I'm in a really bad mood rightnow and I need somewhere to vent fast." Yugo said impatiently. But before Yuto responded, another sound interrupted him.

"You two were going straight to the Professor's room without even giving me a greeting? Now that's just rude."

Yugo and Yuto stopped their tracks as a familiar figures of Yuri stepping out from the shadows. His sardonic smile could be seen on his face.

"It's you...Yuri..." Yuto muttered with hatred tone. "And what's this dreadful aura he's emitting..."

"What are you doing here, you grinning bastard?!" Yugo yelled in anger. "We are in such an hurry! So move or I'll make you to do so!"

"And yet, despite my courtesy, your vulgar ways never change, Yugo..." Yuri sighed in exaperation, but then smiled. "Well, that doesn't matter. I'm in wonderful mood today so I'll not let some trivialities spoil it. After all, the ultimate power will soon be within my grasp. And the first step to do that is defeating you two."

"Ultimate power?" Yuto frowned. "What sort of nonsense are you spouting now?"

"More importantly, where is Rin? What does the Professor want with her?" Yugo asked.

"Seriously, your one-track mind never ceases to astonish me, Yugo. Well at least Yuto is smarter." Yuri snorted. "But still, both of you still not seeing the big picture, or that you've missed the messages. Haven't you been feeling it since a while back? The quickening of our souls as the power sleeping within us seeks to awaken and become one once again? When that happens, I'll finally be able to fulfil my ambition to beat Kuroba Mizael and stand at the top as the mightiest existence! Yes, through us, the Supreme King Zarc will be revived!"

"You really has a beef with Mizael, aren't you?" Yuto snorted. "Is he beating your ass back in Standard really make you lost your damn mind?"

"You spoke as if he had one." Yugo responded. "I don't know about any ultimate power or Zarc or whatever, but I'm sure that I'll not let you beat me! This time...I'll rescue Rin without fail!"

"Well, it's not like I need you two to understand. In the end, your fate is to become a foundation for me to rise even higher. Now, let's commence the next phase of the resurrection of the demon that will destroy this world!" Yuri exclaimed as he activating his Duel Disk.

"And we will not let that happen!" Yuto declared strongly as he activating his own Duel Disk.

"I'll make sure to put you down for good this time!" Yugo added as he also activating his Duel Disk.


Yugo LP: 4000 x5
Yuto LP: 4000 x5
Yuri LP: 8000 x5

"I'm going first!" Yugo declared. "My turn! I Summon Tuner Monster, Speedroid Three Eyed Dice!"

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