Friendship Cup Begins!

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Mizael's Room

I opened my eyes and slowly got up from my bed, stretching my arms over my head. I got a nice eight hours sleep after my match againts Jack.

"Morning, Kuroba Mizael." A voice spoke behind me. I turned around and found a holographic images of Excecutive Council standing here.

"We're glad that you're awake." Taki said with his usual smile.

"I must say that yesterdays Duel against our King - Jack Atlas, was excellent." Gray added.

"You showed us the strength of the Lancers and for that, our negotiations about cooperation on Dimensional War will begin." Azul continued.

"And my friends?"

"All Friendship Cup Participants..." Gael began answering my question.

"Are under our survelliance." Bordeaux stated as he turned to their leader. "Right, Chairman?"

"That is correct." Taki nodded. "This is a penthouse situated atop Executive Council Building. It is equipped with facilities akin to that of a first class hotels. Do you feel comforamble here?"

"Accommodation is really nice." I told them in formal manner. "Thank you."

"As for your friends..." Gael began explaining.

"All 20 participants of Friendship Cup will live in this penthouse during this tournament." Azul said.

"But you may only stay as long as you keep winning." Added Gray.

"If you lose, you have to leave."

"No risk no reward. Of course."

"But Duelist of your caliber won't have such an issue, right?" Taki said after Azul.

"It's really a honour to be held at such a regard by Executive Council." I did a small bow. "I will do my best."

"We know that you will."

With that they dissapeared. I sighed before lying back on my bed.

"The Duel ended pretty well, right?" Tachyon asked as he appeared pn my left.

"Yeah." I told him. "Although, I never expect Jack to do something desperateful like that."

"Your skill is on different level, Master. Your world's Duelist skill is unbelievably high, but easily shying away when the challenge is too hard for them." Photon joined the conversation as he appeared on my right.

"That doesn't mean I'm invicible, Photon. If I being careless and arrogant when faced Jack, I surely will be toasted by him." I said with a sigh.

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door, prompting me to look at it and see a card slid down it.

"Huh?" I hurried and picked up a card that turned out to be Tuning Magician. "Who?"

After momnet of silence, a timidly voice spoke. "I-It's me...your guide at Duel Palace yesterday...Sam."

"Oh, it's you." I looked at Tuning Magician. "So, why did you give me this card?"

"Because..." He sighed. "I want you to return it to Jack! After you reach Finals of Friendship Cup and Duel him again."

"How the hell should I use this? My Deck is Xyz based Deck." I thought with sweatdrop. "You want to return this card to Jack? Why is that?"

"Like you already know, Jack was star of hope for us Commons. He was born and raised in same Slums as us before he entered and won the Frienship Cup. I really admired how he defeated Tops Duelist one after another and reached position of The King. When he did that, I was happy for him, as if it were for myself. But after that, he changed..."

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