Wrath of the Galaxy Master

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Note: Hey there readers! I'm sorry I didn't update for 2 months. College assessment and exam endlessly come after me. Well this is the new one! Happy reading :)

At the Forest Near Duel Lodge

"W-where am I..?"

I muttered and groaned in pain as I checked up the surrounding. After getting assault by Ryo, I finally gain my consciousness back and somehow still in the forest and not capture by Ryo and Fubuki. They only managed to kidnapped Serena.

"Why.. why am I stay here?" I wondered as I grabbed my rib in pain. "I should be carded, or at least capture as captive."

"It's because of me." Tachyon said as he appeared beside me. "When you lost unconscious, Ryo wants to take you to Academia. But when he grabbed your hand, I take Control over him and force him to turn back. I'm sorry I couldn't save Serena."

"No it's okay Tachyon, thanks for saving me." I thanked him. "Serena's kidnapping was my fault. If I didn't holding back.."

"Alright stop blaming yourself." Photon appeared beside me. "What's done is done. Now focus to freeing Heartland and then rescue Serena."

"I will." I responded as Photon and Tachyon was back to Spirit World.

However, a ringing that came from my Duel Disk snapped me out from my thoughts, forcing me to back to reality.


"Mizael-kun, thank goodness I finally got through." Byron's voice was heard coming from the Duel Disk, with the man himself sounding agitated. "I've been trying to contact both you and Serena for quite some time, but I've been unsuccessful until now. Are both of you alright? And where is Serena? Her Duel Disk signature isn't registering on my sensors."

"Serena.. was..." I felt like the words were choking me, but I forced them out. "Academia.. captured her.. I.. failed to keep her save..."

"Captured.. you say?" Byron sounded astonished. "Dear me, it seems today is a day filled with disasters all around.."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Did something happen to the others?"

"From what I understood, they managed to locate Sayaka, although she, Allen, Gongenzaka-kun and Sawatari-kun were defeated by a pair of Duelists calling themselves the Tyler sisters." Byron started explaining. "Yuya-kun and Shun were successful in defeating them, but were ambushed by members of the Obelisk Force not too long ago. Moreover, Hokuto-kun, Yaiba-kun and Masumi-chan was helping them facing Obelisk Force."


I muttered, my teeth barred in anger. It had been quite some time since I felt so much hatred that building up within me. Now I have one purpose: making Academia pay for what they did to me and for taking Serena away from me!

"Do you have the coordinates of their location, Byron-san ?" I asked him in hurry. "If so, transmit them to me at once. I will rush to their aid as quickly as possible."

"Understood." Byron replied. "This might be a lot to ask, but please.. help our Comrades, Mizael-kun."

"There's no need to ask." I said. "I was planning to do that on the first place."

After receiving the location, I Summon Tachyon and ride on his back to their location. Thanks to Tachyon's speed, it only took 1 minutes to arrive at the designated area. Upon arriving at Heartland Commercial District, I witness all my friends clustered in a tight circle, facing three members of Obelisk Force, while Kurosaki was lying out cold with Sayaka was taking care of him. While two females who supposed to be a Tyler Sisters and a thin man named Mamoru Noro observing the events from the top of nearby balcony. Kaito was here too, standing between Obelisk Force and Lancers.

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