Double Trouble

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Few Floors Below Mizael's Room

"Dammit!" I yelled, knocking another Security Officer with a bat with alarm echoing through the hallway. "Should have know that this wouldn't be easy. We are on the top floor of Duel Palace after all."

Ahead of me, I saw two man in black bussiness suit approaching me with fast speed. Without wasting time, I punched the one guy in a jaw, knocking him in seconds.

I turned on my next victim and kick him in the guts. He grunted in pain as I finished him with uppercut, knocking him.

"This is taking too long." I dusted myself off as I activate my Duel Disk as my heterochromatic eyes shine. "Manifest yourself! Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!"

I ride on Tachyon's back and blast the wall to get out from the palace. Some Securities was chasing me but I was long gone. Not like they can match Tachyon though.

Entrance to City's Underground

Serena was escorted to the Underground Labor Facility by the guards after her lost against Yugo. Despite losing, this was the first time she has enjoyed dueling. Actually, she would be lying if she said that. To some extent, she enjoyed her Duel against Mizael back in Standard Dimension, even she didn't want to admit it. Despite wanting to card him in purpose to gloat to Professor, she felt an excitement that she couldn't explain at that time.

"Mizael..." She thought about Galaxy Duelist with small smile across her lips. "This must be what you talked about."

Her time in Academia was spent on training relentlessly in hopes to finally get at least little bit of recognition from Professor. She never Dueled for fun and thrill of it, a fact that she now regret.

"How did this happen?!"

One of the guards talked through his D-Pad to his colleague, anger evident on his face.

"What's wrong?" Second one asked.

"Apparently, one of the participants escaped from the Duel Palace." He began explaining. "He caused some havoc and escape with riding his dragon."

"That moron..." Serena thought. "Still, it will be a good discraction."

Before she knew it, both guards were knocked out by two Goyo Catapults. Relying on her insticts, she immediately took her Duel Disk from one of the guards and activated it, not realizing that one Security Officers was behind her with a Nerve Gas in his hand.

"No, you can't!"

Before he knew it, a red energy ball was shot towards him and sent him flying two meters away from Serena.

Serena turned around to look at her rescuer.

"Mizael, Reira..."

"Thanks, Tachyon." I thanked to Tachyon as I and Reira was get off from Tachyon's back and after that Tachyon was vanished.

"Hey, Serena." I greeted her.

"Hey." She greeted me and slowly walked to me and Reira. "Took you long enough."

"It's not easy you know." I sighed. "I had to fight a dozen of Security and meet Reira and Tsukikage."

"I know. Thanks for saving me again." Serena formed a sweet smile.

"Uh...thanks..." I responded with a slight blush on my face. "She's cute when she smile like that."

"That hurt, you little brat." With the help of his friends, Officer rose up from the floor, his right arm and face was strained with blood. "It's decide! For that, you'll spent rest of your life in Detention Facility!"

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