Unexpected Yet Expected Betrayal

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*Note: Hey there readers! This is the new chapters! I'm sorry if the update is too long. Busy with college assessment and all that stuff and with my other two stories. I recommend you to read it anyway. So without further ado, happy reading my readers :)*


Everyone could hardly believe that their capture comrades appeared from out of nowhere. From what Mizael told them, she was capture after winning the Tag Duel againts Ryo and Fubuki, who shocked her and attacking Mizael with their Monsters. Serena let out a wide smile in response before jumped down from the shipping container she was standing on.

"So, your plan is breaking her guard?" Photon asked.

"Indeed. Let the 'Fooled Plan' begins." I told him. "Also, please watch my back. I don't want someone attacking me from behind."

"Understood, Master Mizael." Photon nodded in affirmative.

"I'm glad to see you guys are doing alright. I-" Before Serena finished, I dashed forward and pulling her into a embrace, causing several gasps of surprise from the Lancers due to my uncharacteristic behaviour.

"I'm glad that you're safe..." I muttered as I squeze her body. I'm glad that she's here, even now she's brainwashed.

"Yeah...sorry if I worried you, Mizael..." She mumbled back as she also embraced me. This scene persisted for a few seconds until Yuzu audibly cleared her throat, causing me and Serena to step away from each other, a blush appeared on our faces.

"Quite the show you've given us there, Mizael, Serena." Yuzu said with a sly smirk. "So it's like that between you two after all~"

Oh, two players can play the game, Yuzu.

"At least we were bold of it." I told her in even tone. "Not like you and your tomato head boyfriend who always denying your real relationship."

Both Yuya and Yuzu blushed like a tomato. "FOR THE LAST TIME, HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!"

"See, just like that." I said with a winner smirk. "Anyway, how did you get here, Serena?"

"Thanks to the major losses Academia suffered during the Xyz Dimension debacle and the chaos caused in the port town after you guys arrived here, I found an opportunity to slip out from my room and stow away inside one of the ships heading outside of Academia. And thus, here I am."

That's BS and I know it.

"Finally, something is going our way for once." Yuya said with a smile. "Not only do we have you back with us, you say you also have a way for us to get to Academia?"

"Right." Serena said. "While almost every ship in this town has set sail either for the predetermined destinations or because of the emergency order that came from Academia, there is still one vessel that should be able to bring us to the island."

"That news is music to my ears." Sawatari stated. "So, where is this ship docked?"

"Follow me. I'll take you there. Just...try not to be too surprised by what you see. Both the vessel and its captain are somewhat...odd."

We followed Serena after that. Truly, pretend to not know anything while you know everything is hard and frustating. After several minutes of walking, we arrived at a secluded cove just outside of the port town where a bona-fide weathered pirate ship was currently moored.

"This is the ship that's supposed to take us to Academia?" Gongenzaka wondered, voicing everyone's thoughts. "No matter how I look at it, it's a pirate ship. Why would the captain willingly to transport us to Academia."

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