Aftermath of the War

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A Month Later - Leo Apartement

"Yuya! Sora! Come on, wake up! It's time for breakfast!"

I yelled at the top of my lung as I currently cooking pancakes for breakfast. Now the war is over, things started to get normal again.

Ever since the Dimensional War concluded, Sora has been staying on Yuya's house. He didn't have anywhere to return to considering he was an orphan, so it was possible this arrangement could become permanent when taking into account his close relationship with the Sakaki family. As for Yuri and Serena, both Fusion pair got adopted by Marufuji Ryo, which make their name become Marufuji Yuri and Marufuji Serena. Barret is also joined the family as their step-father.

What a scary family.

As for me, I had also enrolled at Maiami Second High along with Yuya and the others as a transfer student. While everyone struggled to keeping up, I flawlessly followed the lessons and aced all subjects.

After all, I don't really need to concern about a things I already know.

Move on from that, I also cut my hair off. As much as I like Mizael's long hair, I still prefer my short hair.

Well, there's another reason behind that. Mizael's hairstyle is now become so famous that I even see some kids wears a wig that exactly looked like my old hair. Not to mention some cosplayers cosplaying my Barian Form.

Sometimes, being famous is a pain.

"It's okay if you want to stay asleep. That means you won't get any breakfast because I will eat all this pancakes by myself."

Suddenly, a bluish blur descended from my bedroom and sat on a seat faster than sound, fork and knife on his hand and small amount of drool running down his mouth.

"And here you are. Glad you are finally awake, Sora."

"I never miss a fine breakfast, especially when it is made by you." Sora said with a grin. "I wonder if your food can beat Yoko-san's food."

"Well, you can try and judge my food by yourself."

"Good morning, everyone..." Yuya entered the dining room with a yawn as he sit next to me. "For the record, I hate tests. I spend almost all day yesterday tutoring with Mizael and my head feels like it's going to explode..."

"You'd think saving all worlds from destruction would give you a pass or something." Sora remarked as he started eating. "The education system of this dimension is even more merciless than Academia."

"Be glad that our greatest concern for now is studying and showing up for formal events." I replied. "I won't miss the Dimensional War, especially the several near-death experiences."

The Dimensional War, especially Fusion Arc, really torture not only my body, but my mind as well. I don't want to experienced all of that again. Never.

"You have a point there." Yuya agreed. "I can't believe it's only been a month since Zarc and Incursion. It feels like years have passed."

Both I and Sora nodded at Yuya's words. At that moment, I turned on the television, tuning into a news channel.

"This is Akasaka Aka, live from the Xyz Dimension's Heartland City." A male reporter could be heard announcing. "The reconstruction of the city has been progressing at steady pace thanks to the efforts of its own residents, the goverment, support by LEO Corporation and of course, assist from now-defunct Academia's members. While tensions are still present between the members of the former Resistance and Academia's troops, there have been no serious incidents so far due to the intervention of a representative of Heartland City Tenjo Kaito and Commander-In-Chief Edo Phoenix. Thanks to everyone effort, it is estimated that it will take only a year at most until Heartland is fully restored to its former glory."

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