Lancers vs Academia 2: The Knight and Clown Desperate Stand!

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Hello everyone, ArcVme is back! I'm sorry I didn't Update Galaxy Master for 3 months straight. RL things took down my energy and I burned out for idea lately. But now I'm back and probably will up 1 - 2 Chapters. So stay tuned and happy reading :).


A bright azure light suddenly appeared a few meters away from the tower, illuminating the surroundings. Once it died down, two familiar figures could be seen standing on the ground.

"Well, here we are just as you wished." Edo said as he looked around. "Welcome to Academia, Kurosaki. Hmmm, but I don't see the welcoming party anywhere even though their sensors should have picked up our approach. How curious..."

"So this is the stronghold of the enemy, Academia..." Shun muttered while glaring at the fortress before him. "Ruri must be somewhere inside this ghastly place. Edo, we should probably-"

Shun's next words were drowned by a familiar scream that resounded throughout the area. Turning their heads sharply upwards, Shun and Edo witnessed Kaito's body falling towards the ground in rapid speeds.

"Kaito?!" Shun shouted in alarm as he quickly slammed a card on his Duel Disk, causing a large mechanical falcon to materialize. "Go, Rise Falcon! Save Kaito!"

Following its controller's command, Rise Falcon soared up towards Kaito, allowing the Resistance Duelist to land safely on its back and carrying him to the ground before dispersing into particles.

"That was...Rise Falcon...?" Kaito wondered, but then caught sight of Shun and Edo running towards him. "You are...Shun and Edo? What are you guys doing here, especially you, Shun? Weren't you supposed to be recuperating back at Heartland?"

"Academia's medical technology is more potent than I thought." Shun responded. "Aside of that, why are you so close to your death, Kaito?"

"That's..." Kaito looked somewhat uncomfortable and hesistant, but eventually spoked. "Before arriving here, Dennis, who had sided with us by the way, informed us that Rin and Ruri are kept in Academia's towers. I headed for the West Tower and met Yuto there. However, after Yuto beat the guardian protecting that tower and brought her out from her cell, I was pushed out of the tower-by Ruri herself."

"What...did you say just now?" Shun seemed shocked. "That can't be true! Ruri would never do such a thing!"

"That may be hard to believe, but it's the truth, Shun." Kaito insisted. "Ruri has changed. I don't know what happened to her, but Yuto currently-"

"That's impossible!" Shun yelled as he started running towards the tower. "Ruri!"

"Wait!" Edo shouted. "It's dangerous, Kurosaki! Your sister is most likely being controlled!"

However, Shun ignored Edo's words as he hastily began climbing the stairs leading to the top of the tower, prompting Edo to sigh in frustration.

"She's being controlled, you say?" Kaito asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I said." Edo replied. "I've heard rumors that a member of the Professor's inner circle has the power to control other people's minds and bend them to his will. Ruri must have fallen victim to his techniques."

"To think such thing is possible, Academia never cease to disgust me..." Kaito muttered before he widened his eyes in alarm. "But if that's the case, then the other girl must also...! Edo, a guy named Yugo is heading to the East Tower in order to save a girl named Rin! You must go after him and warn him about this! I'll go after Shun!"

"Got it." Edo responded. "Stay safe, Kaito!"

Following this brief exchange, the two split up, with Edo running towards the direction of the East Tower. After several minutes had passed, Edo came across an unconscious young man in white riding suit. Standing above him was a green-haired girl with a dark expression on her face as her hand was extended towards the unconscious boy. However, the sound of Edo's approaching footsteps caused the girl to flinch, turning her cold gaze towards Edo. Then, as if obeying some unspoken command, she abruptly turned around and ran towards Academia.

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