Interlude: Kuroba Raiden

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Heya everyone! I'm back baby! Sorry for missing for like, two or three months. Writer block suckass.

Anyway, this chapter would explain several things about my OC.

That's all and as always, happy reading :)

9 Years Ago - Tokyo Grand Hotel

It was just the annual charity ball, and the grand ballroom of the extravagant Tokyo Grand Hotel was filled with elegantly dressed guests. The chandeliers cast a warm glow over the room, and the air was filled with the sound of muffled conversations and soft laughter.

At the center of the ballroom, a group of children had gathered, eager to escape the stifling etiquette of the adults. Among them, a 7-year-old boy with brown hair and silver-colored eyes, with his suit slightly askew, tried to pull off the uncomfortable tie around his neck.

He glanced around, feeling out of place amidst the grown-up tables and impeccably dressed attendees. The boy's discomfort quickly turned to curiosity as he noticed a girl, a year older than him, standing at the edge of the crowd, her eyes scanning the room. Her unusual platinum-blue hair and her eyes that sparks confidence intrigues him. He slowly made his way over to her, his small dress shoes tapping lightly on the polished marble floor.

"Hey." The boy greeted her tentatively. The girl turned to him, her golden eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Hey there." She responded, her voice carrying a hint of curiousity. "Are you here to escape the boring grown-up talk too?"

He nodded, relief flooding through him at her easy acceptance. "Yeah. I'm just here because of my parents, after all."

"We are on the same boat, then." The girl extended her hand. "I'm Rimuru, by the way. Rimuru Arashi."

"Kuroba Raiden. It was pleasure to meet you, Arashi-san." Raiden said as he mirrored a gesture, his own hand reaching out to meet hers.

As their hands clasped together, both had firm and assertive grips. For a moment, they held the handshake, before releasing it.

"So, why have you approached me? I doubt you're here to kiss my ass like other kids here." Rimuru sneered not at him, but at the couple of kids at her age or above who she felt simply approached to-like she said-kiss her ass.

"There are barely people our age here. Even if there's one..." Raiden glanced at a blonde kid around his age who got surrounded by couple of girls. "They already having a lot of fun."

Rimuru chuckled upon noticing him looking at that blonde boy. "Oh, you mean that blondie? He is always behave like that. It's just another tuesday."

"He definitely hit puberty earlier than us, I suppose."

"Definitely. I bet he hit puberty when he was 5 years old." Rimuru dryly pointed out.

Both of them enjoying the next couple of minutes in relative silence. Raiden almost lost in his thought but Rimuru's voice dragged him back into reality.

"I have an idea. Follow me."

She took Raiden's hand and led him through the crowd, her white dress swishing with each step. They weaved between the legs of the adults, ducking under the tables and chairs as they navigated through the ballroom.

Amidst the clinking of glasses and the low hum of conversation, they finally reached a secluded alcove at the edge of the ballroom. It was a quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle of the ballroom, where a lone piano stood bathed in soft light.

Rimuru released Raiden's hand and smiled. "I know just the thing to break the monotony of this dull event." Her fingers danced across the keys of the piano, playing a beautiful and classic melody of "Bridge Over Trouble Water" that seemed to weave through the air, casting a spell over the guests.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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