Classic Rivality! Kaito vs Mizael!

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"Damnit." I sighed as I looking around at the ruins of Heartland.

As expected of a land that had almost been razed to the ground, no people could be seen around. Due to Academia's invasion, I assume that most of the populace had been carded during the initial stages of the assault. If there were any survivors, they had to be either members of the Resistance like Kurosaki, or civilians who somehow scraped out a living while in hiding. And unfortunately, neither group was likely to welcome me with open arms. The civilians would probably be fearful of an unknown Duelist like me, while the Resistance would be suspicious or even hostile towards me. And of course, there was always the danger of Academia to consider. I think there were still a few Academia Force here, looking for any survivors.

"While the ideal scenario would be to encounter members of the Resistance and convince them that I'm an ally, I don't see that happening." I scratched my chin. "Despite I watched the anime, I didn't know where exactly resistance base is. And even if I did, there's no way for me to prove that I'm a trustworthy individual. I could mention Kurosaki and Yuto's names, or maybe Summon my Galaxy-Eyes Xyz Monster, but I don't think that'll be enough to persuade them. They'll most likely think I'm just trying to fool them, and I'll end up in a cell or worse. And I just hope that I didn't encounter Kaito just yet..."

At that moment, my stomach growled, reminding me that there were other needs he had to attend to first. I pulling my snickers that I borrow before I escaped from the palace and eat it.

"I wonder if everyone is, who am I kidding ? They are definitely safe, but I miss my Duel with Jack..."

Now I was regreting my action by kicking Barret's Duel Disk, making it malfunctioning. Even I know what happen in Synchro Dimension, I still worried about them, especially Yuya and Yuzu. Also, I'm missing my Duel with Jack, but I'm sure either Yuya, Yugo or Yuto was replacing my position. Now, my most pressing concern rightnow was-


While I end up in Xyz Dimension, I wasn't sure Serena has a same fate as me even thought we teleported across dimension together. Is she teleported back to Standard, Xyz or even worse, Fusion ? This thought was bugging me.

"Ok, positive thinking. Serena definitely okay. And I'm sure the Lancers on Synchro Dimension was okay too, even Sawatari. Now I must concerned about myself."

Even I know this place (And technically Mizael was used to live here). Rightnow, I was a completely stranger in a devastated land with nothing but my clothes, Duel Disk, and Deck.

"I guess I should look for some water first."

With that, I aimlessly walking towards a random directions, wished a good fortune. Now, I wished I could interact with Kurosaki. Since our Duel in Friendship Cup, I never saw him again. I don't even known if he still considering me as ally. I literally destroyed him with 35000 Attack Points Monster.

"This place was eerily quiet. It more feels like a ghost town than a warzone."

After I said that, a loud explossion could be heared in the distance. I quickly ran towards the direction as I found an unexpected yet expected sight.

Four Academia students was lying on the ground unconscious on the open field that looked to be a park while the last fifth was Dueling an familiar indigo-haired girl.

"Hey, Serena!" I called her, promted her to look at me. "Always getting into a trouble as always."

"Mizael?" Serena was suprised. "You also end up in this place too ? What are the odds of that happening?"

"Tell me about it." I smirk as I stood beside her. "Do you need any help there?"

"While I appreciate the offer, I'm almost done with these weaklings. Just give me a moment here." Serena replied as she turned to her remaining opponent with fierce glint on her eyes.

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