Chapter Ten - Is That An Angel?

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Ajinke's POV;

Asake and I arrive at the house little Motilayo described to us, and I marvel in wonder at the size of the compound.

Here on the palace grounds, the king allocated a huge area to the chiefs to build houses and live in. That way, the chiefs are never too far from the king and can attend to him when immediate attention is needed.

Asake and I are currently standing before chief Abiodun's massive compound, but it's empty.

"Motilayo! "I yell, and my ears instantly pick up the sounds of anklets jingling. The little angel comes running out of her house, to the gate, and I smile.

"That was fast. " I note as she opens the gate for Asake and me to step in, and she shows a toothy smile.

"I was waiting by the window for you. "She informs, and I smile at how excited she is to learn.

I assess her and smile at the beautiful, little child. Her wrists, waist, and hair, are decorated in beautiful beads.

My eyes get glued to the golden anklets on her legs. So beautiful.

"My big brother made them for me."She informs, and I smile.

"They're beautiful. "I reply, and she blushes. The anklets indeed are gorgeous. Perfect and professionally crafted.

I stare up at her hair and find she has packed it into one massive fluff ball on her head. Just like mine.

"I... Like your hair. "I note, and she giggles.

"Thank you. I did it so I can look as pretty as you. "She says, and I smile at her sweetness. After getting a bit comfortable with the environment, I decide it's time to start teaching, as Asake and I will soon have to leave for our chorus.

" Okay, today we are going to be learning the basics, and we would not be using the drums. "I inform, and the little girl looks up at me with excitement in her big, brown eyes.

" Our hands, heels, anklets, and mouths would be our drums. " I add. Using the same words my grandma used on me at the start of our first beta dance lesson together.

"Okay! " The child replies eager to start, and I smile.

We begin with basic arm and shoulder movements, and legs, before the waist. Motilayo is a fast learner, and she already knew something's before now, so my job to teach her has been quite easy.

Now, I just have to teach her how to move her legs and waist concurrently, while making sure her expressions pass the right messages.

Our feet are burning with glee in the hot Akomojo sand, and our bodies aching mildly in tedious pleasure, but there's no stopping for us until we've attained a certain level of perfection.

I have my hands on my waist and I begin to roll my waist while moving forward with my legs moving from side to side. I pause for Motilayo to copy, and then we do it together.

Pride and joy explode in my guts when she eventually gets it.

"Yes!!!" I exclaim before lifting the little angel into the air and spinning her around.

I am forced to stop when my eyes catch a godly figure majestically making its way to the compound's gate.

I gently let Motilayo down, and my eyes feast on the ravishing, black god trying to open the gate.

"Brother Muyiwa! "I hear Motilayo scream before running up to the gate with her arms wide open.

I watch the young man step into the compound and place the clay pot in his hand down. He kneels to accept Motilayo's hug, and my heart skips a thousand beats when he eventually looks up. At me.

His smile slowly fades as he studies me, and I gulp when he slowly rises to his feet.

My heart begins a beta performance in my chest as I stare right back at the work of art. What did goddess Yaremi feed on while carrying him?

"Brother Muyiwa, meet Ajinke. My beta teacher! "Motilayo says as she pulls the young man I now know as Muyiwas towards me.

He is soon standing before me, with Motilayo standing between us, and his perfect face curls into an insanely perfect smile.

"Hey, "He greets. Still wearing that perfect smile, and I swallow.

"Hi..." I reply, and his smile grows bigger.

"You're Ajinke. The same one my sister won't stop talking about, right? "He questions and I blush mildly.

" I... Guess so. "I reply, and he smiles.

" I've heard a lot about you. "He notes, and my blush heightens.

"Good things, I hope. "I reply, and he smiles.

"You were right. She does look like a goddess. "He says. Looking down at Motilayo, and I feel an explosion of butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm Muyiwa. "He says, and I smile.

"Ajinke. "I reply, and he replies with yet another smile.

"And I'm Asake! "Asake suddenly yells from the side, and we all turn to her.

" Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there. "Muyiwa apologizes, and she smiles.

" It's allowed. "She replies, and he chuckles.

"Here for her beta classes? "He questions while pointing at Motilayo, and I nod.

"Hope she's doing well? "He inquires, and I smile at Motilayo who's looking up at me expectantly.

" She's a brilliant dancer. "I commend honestly while patting her back, and he smiles while she folds her little arms across her chest in pride.

He stares up at me, and I stare back and get lost. His brown eyes, so dark and perfect. And his hair, so full and curly. His pointed nose, perfect lips, and his broad chest.

"I... I have some work to do. I guess I'd be seeing more of you? "He questions.

"Definitely... "I reply dreamily, and my eyes widen as I realize what I've just done.

"I... I mean, sure. I'd... I'd definitely be here to teach Motilayo her dance. Just for Motilayo. " I reply, and he smiles.

"Alright, see you around. "He says, and I smile as he walks back to the clay pot he dropped earlier, picks it up, smiles at Asake and I once again, and then heads into the house.

Oh, goddess Yaremi. Help me. I think I've just seen an angel.

Was that an angel, or a human?

*Haew! You can create oh!

*Haew =An exclamation.

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