Chapter 55 - Disgrace To Manhood

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Adebiyi's POV;

I slowly pull my eyes open, at the sound of the prison doors opening, and anger explodes in my chest when I see Muyiwa walking in.

"Good morning, prince. "He greets, and I grit my teeth as I glare at him.

"Hope you had a nice night's rest? "He questions sarcastically, and I shut my eyes as I turn away. Both my hands are tied above my head, by a rope from the ceiling and I can only stand on my toes.  I'm weak as there's no wall around me to lean on.  I've been tied directly in the middle of the room...

"Hm... I guess your silence means otherwise. "He says, and I ignore him.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you'd like to know that Ajinke is currently in the vicinity. "He adds, and my eyes fly open as I glare at him.

"That's a lie! "I exclaim, and he smirks.

"Oh, so now, you want to talk? "He replies, and I stare in silence.

"I told you that I'd use you to get her. She got here last night, trying to get to you. But luckily, she was found in time. We both know she wouldn't enjoy seeing you in this miserable state. "He adds, and I know he's not lying.

"What did you do to her? "I growl, and he gives me a questioning look.

"What can I do to her? I only spent the night with her. "He replies, and my sight goes blank for a second.

He sees the reaction on my face and tries to hold back his smile.

"She's so naive and innocent. So tender and fragile... "He begins, and I feel my blood begin to boil.

Did this bastard touch her?

"She was so scared and adorable. And heaven, the feel of her bosoms in my hands were like... playing with fluffy clouds. Tender to the touch... "He adds, and a cord snaps in my head.

"How dare you!? "I growl, and he laughs.

"How dare me what? Take what's rightfully mine? She's mine, now, Adebiyi! She's mine!
I have claimed every inch of her precious body, and there's nothing you can do about it! We are now, one! "He says to me, and anger consumes me.

This coward!

"Ajinke would never let you touch her. She can never belong to a coward like you! Love isn't the coming together of two bodies, but the coming together of two souls. 

Ajinke is my soulmate, and nothing you do would change that. She belongs with me. Not with a disgrace like you! "I yell at him, and anger visibly washes over him.

"Is that what you think? In that case, I think it's only fair for me to inform you of what my next plan is. In less than a week, I'd be getting married to Ajinke. And don't worry, you'd witness it. "He speaks, and my heart falls into my stomach.

How could a man be so... Vile?

"You're a disgusting man, Muyiwa. In fact, you shouldn't be called a man. You're a coward. A disgrace. Only cowards like you and your father are capable of rape and keeping a woman against her will.

Have you ever stopped to think about your mother who's still under house arrest and your little sister? What happens if she grows up and a man starts treating her like your doing to Ajinke? "I reply, and he stares at me in silence for a few seconds.

"I don't have to explain or justify myself to you. You don't matter. "He says, and I shake my head at him as he's about to leave.

"You're no better than your father. A disgusting, unfaithful, shameless disgrace to manhood. "I say to him, and he turns to me in rage.

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