Chapter 46 - What Test?

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Ajinke's POV;

I weakly pull my eyes open, as my ears pick up faint banters from all around me.

"She's awake! "I hear Asake exclaim, and my eyes instantly dart at her. She's sitting on my left side, and the prince is on my right. The king, queen, Iya Oba, Yemoja, and two other maids are in the room.

"Our queen, good afternoon. "The queen says to me, and my heart explodes in shock and joy. I quickly look up at the prince for clarity, and he nods.

"You found your stone and was chosen for our prince by our dear goddess. "Yemoja says, and I exhale in surprise. I thought I had lost my stone. I don't remember the woman from the river giving my stone back to me.

"It has been decided by the elders that you'd be getting married to the prince on the day of his coronation as king. "Yemoja adds, and I stare up at prince Adebiyi in relief and inexplicable joy.

"In the main time, you need to rest. Once you're fully recovered, you'd be coming with me. You'd spend the next seven days in my hut, away from the eyes of the village.
There, the goddess will prepare you for your role as our queen. Once you're fully ready, you'd be brought back to the palace. "Yemoja says, and I look up at Adebiyi in alarm.

What does she mean?

"Don't worry dear. Every queen before you went through the same process. It's more like a cleansing process. "The queen says to me, and I gulp and nod.

"You'd be fine. "Adebiyi says while stroking my hair, and I blink shyly before nodding.

"Let's leave her alone, now. She needs her rest. "Yemoja says, and without any hesitation, everyone obeys.

I smile at Adebiyi before he walks out and as Yemoja shuts the door, I close my eyes. My mind runs back to the event of the river this morning. Was that our dearest goddess Yaremi I saw? What happened in that river?

It all feels like a dream, I'm not sure it even happened.

"So this is how it's going to be. "I hear a horribly familiar voice question, and I pull my eyes open in alarm.

Muyiwa is standing before one of the windows, and my eyes widen in alarm. How did he get here? And what gave him the courage to come into the prince's room like this?

"What are you doing here? "I manage to question in horror, and he drags himself off the wall and walks over to the bed.

"You just don't get it, do you? "He questions, and I gulp.

"There's no way in hell that I'd leave you for the prince.
I love you, Ajinke. Why don't you get it? "He questions, and I feel fear and irritation consume me.
His persistence is getting scary.

"But I don't love you, Muyiwa. Why won't you just let me be? "I reply and I watch something horrendous take over his deep, dark eyes.

"When did you learn to lie so easily? "He says and I shut my eyes in annoyance.

"I'm not lying! "I exclaim, and silence consumes the room.

"I don't care what you think or say, Ajinke. All I know is, this.
Your marriage to the prince won't happen.

There'd be a massive blood bath if that's what I have to do to keep you from marrying him, because you belong with me, Ajinke.

I won't fold my hands and let you leave me. I won't watch you become another man's wife. You're mine, Ajinke. You belong with me, Ajinke.

The sooner you accept this, the better it will be for everyone. "He says, and before I get a chance to speak, he rushes towards the window, and my heart falls in fear, as I watch him jump out of it.

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