31 - Who Chose Me?

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  Ajinke's POV;

The burial ceremony had been concluded and everyone was making their way back to their various destinations.

Asake left earlier to attend to some chores, and I was just standing in confusion. Wondering who possibly put an end to Mr. Abioduns life.

I turn around and gasp in shock as I bump into someone who I didn't know was standing behind me. My eyes meet hers, and time slows down. The sounds around me drop, and the surrounding movements slow down.

“Your time has come. She has chosen you. Their fates rest on your shoulders. Only you can help them through this storm. The destruction of the people will only happen if you allow it. ” She says to me, and my brows crease.

I stare into her beautiful clear eyes and stare at my reflection in them. Her face is straight, and she maintains eye contact with me.

I gasp in shock as I watch my reflection glitch in her eyes. In one second, I was adorned with royal beads and a crown, and in the next second, my reflection is back to normal. Me in my maiden cloth.

She bows slightly at me, and a gasp escapes my lips before I quickly drop to my knees. Yemoja just bowed to me…

I look back up from the ground and find that she's no longer before me. Everything goes back to normal, and the people around me begin to move at a normal pace.

I quickly rise to my feet and dust my dress as people around me begin to give me funny looks. It's almost like none of them saw what happened. Like they didn't see Yemoja talking to me. Or was I hallucinating?

I begin to make my way back to the palace, with Yemojas words replaying in my head.

'Your time has come. She has chosen you. Their fates rest on your shoulders. Only you can help them through this storm. The destruction of the people will only happen if you allow it. '

What did she mean? Whose fate rests on my shoulders? What time has come? Who has chosen me? What storm is coming? And who am I helping through the Storm? What destruction will happen if I allow it? And when did I gain a position that lets me allow destruction to happen?

“Excuse me! ” I hear someone yell from behind, and I for some reason know that whoever just yelled, is calling out to me, but I keep walking without looking back.

“Hello! Ajinke!” The unfamiliar male voice screams, and I pause on hearing my name.

I turn around and find the young male who was holding Muyiwa up all through the whole ceremony. Who is he? And how does he know my name?

He runs up to me and stands before me, while I stare at him in confusion.

“Hi, my name is Dayo. I'm Muyiwa's best friend. You may not have been seeing me around because I have been out of the village with my dad for a few weeks now…” He says, and I just stare blankly. Wondering why he's telling me all this.

He's Muyiwa's best friend, which most likely explains his knowing my name. Did Muyiwa send him to me?

“I… I'm here on behalf of my friend, Muyiwa. He… Told me all that happened and… I honestly understand your anger. But… I want you to know that Muyiwa cares about you a lot.

Since I got back, you're the only thing he ever talks about. He's not been himself. He regrets his actions, and the gap you're creating between the both of you hurts him deeply. Not only that, but he… Really wants to make things right, and he wants a fresh start… "The boy continues, and I stare blankly at him.

His fair skin is glowing under the morning sun, and his muscles keep flaunting themselves each time he moves his arms. He isn't bad-looking at all. I stare at his not-so-black and not-so-pink lips, and then at his curly hair.

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