Chapter Twenty-two -Please, Don't Send Me Away

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Ajinke's POV;

I nearly choke when the princes asked me this question and stares at me with expectant eyes.

Expecting my reply.

I just got a meaningful life. I don't want to be thrown out. If the prince learns of my past, he'd kick me out of the palace, like other people have been kicking me out of their lives.

He may also not want my bad luck to rub off on them. Especially not in the palace. I can't go back to struggling to feed and survive. I cannot go back to having no one to talk to, and no one looking out for me.

"The fact that you have two ears doesn't mean I have to repeat myself twice, you know? "The prince speaks, pulling me back to earth, and I gulp as I begin to think of the safest answer to give him.

"My... My prince, I don't know... Why he... Why he called me that... "I lie while looking at the ground, and my heart drops when the prince answers.

"You do know that lying to your soon-to-be king can also be considered treason. "He says, and I find it hard to swallow, like a pebble has been placed in my throat.

"I will ask again. And I do hope, for your own sake, that you give me the right answer.

That day... When we first met. What did Mr. Adigun mean when he called you a girl with bad luck? "He questions again, and I swallow.

He's given me a second chance. So, I can't lie. I have to be honest. If he finds out the truth some other way, which he easily can, I'd be done for.

I inhale deeply and shut my eyes as I decide to tell him the truth. Lying could get me killed.

"I lost my dad to war, weeks after my parents discovered that my mother was pregnant with me.

He was a royal soldier for the kingdom.

I lost my mother at birth. She didn't get to say a word to me, but my grandma said she died a happy death after seeing me.

All I had left after my parent's death was my grandma. She named me and taught me most of the things I know.

She worked hard to ensure I didn't die of hunger or sickness. Not only that, but she brought me up with love and care, but there was only so much an old woman can do.

The stress was too much, and she died of stress. I was only fifteen at the time. Her friends help me bury her, and I began to live alone and fend for myself.

Some men offered to pay me money if I could secretly fulfill their horrible desires... "I begin to narrate, but shut my eyes tightly and hug my legs to stop the tears stinging my eyes and threatening to pour.

I never liked discussing or thinking about my life, and I still don't. I'm only compelled to do so because of the authority above me, who has ordered me to do so.

"I needed money and help, but I turned them all down. I didn't know much, but I knew that I didn't want to be a shame to my late loved ones.

They got angry, and to save their necks, they decided to throw horrible names at me. Calling me a witch who has killed my family members. Some called me a devil who came to earth through my mother's womb, and they said that killing my family members was only the beginning of the destruction I was planning to bring.

But the name that stuck the most was the title Mr. Adigun called me that day. The girl with bad luck.

Most of the people of the village believe that I carry bad luck around and that if they try to help me, my bad luck will rub off on them.

This title has cost me jobs and a proper way of life. People hardly wanted me around, and my age mates didn't even want to be around me.

The most meaningful thing that has happened to me in a very long time, is you taking me to the palace.

Your highness... please... Please don't also send me away.

I swear, I'm not a girl with bad luck. I don't have bad luck. I won't hurt or harm anyone. If you send me away from the palace, I'd have nothing to return to.

Please... Your highness, please... "I reply and beg as I fall on my knees with my hands folded before of me, in front of the prince with tears falling down my face.

I shut my eyes tight as I don't know what decision the prince will make, and silence follows.

He finally speaks, and butterflies erupt in my system.

"Sit down. I won't send you away. I don't believe in whatever nonsense people may have said about you.

You, losing your loved ones, was the goddess's plan. Who knows, maybe she wanted you to find your way to the palace. Which may never have happened if you had your family around. "He replies, and I look up at the prince in awe.

"You won't send me away? "I sob in surprise, and he raises a brow at me.

"I believe that's what I just said. "He replies, and I chuckle lightly as my tears of desperation turn to tears of joy.

I start thanking him, and he orders me to sit, which I obey.

He looks up at me and speaks,

"I feel like you have questions you want to ask. "He says, and I look up at him and look away as my eyes catch his smoldering gaze.

I do have questions. A lot of them in fact, but... I don't know if to ask.

"Ask. "The prince replies as if he just read my mind, and I swallow.

"Your... Your highness... The... The first... "I begin to stutter, and he cuts me off.

"Did you swallow a frog? Talk properly. "He orders, and I nod.

"Why... Why did you save me the first time we met, even though you knew that I was guilty? And... And why did you... Call me your... Erm... Wife? "I question. Saying the last word as a whisper, and silence follows.

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