Chapter 47 - Who Would Have Ever Thought?

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Ajinke's POV;

It's my first day of training with Yemoja. I had just finished taking my bath in the private stream behind her hut, and she's asked me to come to her shrine for my first lesson.

I am clad in a long white wrapper that flows from the top of my breasts to my ankles. I am also wearing the white anklets, waist beads, and wrist beads she gave me. She said I'd be dressing this way for the next seven days, and I have no problem with that, as I'd be away from the public's eye during this time.

I bow my head as I step into the shrine covered completely in white clothes, and I inhale deeply as a strange surge of energy flows through me.

"I'm ready, ma. "I inform Yemoja who's sitting on her calves in front of a massive white pot, further in the room.

"Good. Come and sit with me. "She orders without looking back, and I gulp before obeying her. I take my position on her right-hand side, making sure to sit the same way she's sitting, and I look up at her pretty face.

Her eyes are shut, and she seems to be meditating.

"To be the queen of our village, you need to understand that you will be the people's closest link to the goddess.

And to be this link, you need to be able to connect with her easily."She says with her eyes still shut, and I listen attentively.

"Now relax, and close your eyes. "She orders, and I nod. I place my palms on my lap, let my shoulders fall, and shut my eyes.

"Now think of what makes you happy. What brings you peace. What makes you complete, and fills the void in your heart. "She instructs, and I swallow.

I try my best to follow her instructions, but Adebiyi keeps coming to my mind. His image suddenly appears before me, out of the darkness surrounding me, and I smile as he smiles at me. My heart hops in glee as I look into his heavenly brown eyes, and he holds his hand out to me. I feel a grin crawl onto my face as I make to take his hand.

"Ajinke! "I suddenly hear Yemoja scold, and my eyes fly open in alarm. I look up at her and find her glaring at me.

"What are you doing? You need to focus. This is no joke. Now is not a time to think about romance. "She scolds further, and I gulp as I look up at her. How did she know what was going on in my mind?

"Let's do this again. And this time, focus. "She orders and I nod before shutting my eyes and trying my best to push Adebiyi to the back of my mind.

"Think about purity. About peace. About the goddess. "Yemoja begins, and as I exhale, I find myself before a river.

"Think about the goddess... "Yemojas voice slips into my thoughts, and I inhale before taking a step towards the river.

I stare closely at the river, and I am suddenly taken back to the very first time I met the prince. How I jumped like a lunatic into the royal river and interrupted his bath.

Adebiyi's head suddenly pops out of the water, and I gasp in shock. He winks at me, and I blush. He holds his hand out to me, and I swallow.

He makes his way out of the water, and I inhale deeply as he makes his way to my back. He hugs me from behind, and I smile at the warmth his body brings to me.

He runs his index finger from my fingers, up to my shoulder, and as he reaches my neck, the ticklish feeling makes me giggle.

"Ajinke! "Yemoja yells again. This time with annoyance clear in her voice. My eyes fly wide open, and I keep my gaze in front of me, without daring to look up at her.

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