Chapter Twenty - We're Going Out

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Third Person's Narrative;

Ajinke had just finished narrating the happenings of the courtroom, and the king's verdict to Asake, before lazily laying on her mat.

Both girls lay in silence as they slowly absorbed and came to terms with all that had just happened.

"What is it? Who are you looking for? "A familiar, rude voice barks, and Ajinke rolls her eyes.

For days, the palace had been free from her horrid nature, and self, and now that she's back, everyone must know that she is.

Ajinke follows Asake to the doorway of their room, and they find two elegant maids. From taking a look at them, one would know that they are the queen's maids.

They are dressed just as beautifully as Ronke dresses. However, Ronke dresses better than they currently are as she's the queen's personal maid, and is higher in rank than they are.

Both the maids are carrying covered trays, and are giving no reactions to Ronke's words.

"Are you deaf? "Ronke yells in irritation, and sure enough, a crowd of maids has gathered.

"We're here on the prince's orders. To dress his personal maid, and bring her to him. "One of the maids says, and Ajinke's heart snaps.

"What!? That's not possible. The prince hasn't chosen his personal maid yet. Who did he send you to get? "Ronke replies in alarm as she feels her dreams shatter.

Ajinke's POV;

Personal maid! That's me. I hadn't even told Asake about this, nor had time to properly think about it. The prince sent them to dress me up and bring me to him.

To him!

This new position means that I... I'd have to be around and with the prince almost every time.

Am I ready for that?

The gaze of one of the maids lands on me, and my heart skips a beat when she smiles. Oh, sweet heavens!

"Will you answer me? Who did he send you to pick? "Ronke scolds, and the smile of the maid, staring at me, grows.

"Her. " The maid staring at me replies, and as everyone's gaze follows hers, I feel the urge to enter into the ground.

The look of shock, that takes up everybody's faces, causes my stomach to stir in anxiety.

"What!?" Ronke barks in disbelief, and I try my best to avoid the shocked look on Asake's face.

"Her? How did that happen? "Ronke yells further, and the maids ignore her and walk towards me.

They smile at me and request that I follow them, and I obey without hesitation. Anything to get away from the shocked, spiteful, and hateful eyes boring into my skin.

Adebiyi's Point Of View (POV);

My family and I are at our dining, eating in silence, and I've been eager to see Ajinke. It's been quite some time, and I've still not laid my eyes on her.

At the royal dining, each member of the royal family is allowed to have their personal maids around to help with whatever, and I'm still yet to see mine. How long does it take to get a girl ready?

I suddenly hear the doors of the dining open and in comes a young girl who has her gaze glued to the ground as she timidly walks into the room.

My heart drops on seeing her. Her hair, which initially is an untamed jungle on her head, had been neatly braided all back and is adorned with beads. Her blue wrapper has been tied firmly around her waist and is sitting comfortably above her knees. Giving a moderate view of her fair thighs.

Her breasts have been wrapped in a neat yellow, breast tube. Her waist is adorned with several layers of beads, she has a wrist bead on each hand, and her anklets make rhythmic jingles with each step she takes.

She looks up at me with timid eyes, and for the first time in my life, an explosion takes place in my system. A blend of excitement and many other emotions I can't explain.

I don't realize my jaw has dropped until my eyes catch my mother watching me.

"Uhm... She... She is the one I chose as my personal maid. "I say to my mother in a failed attempt to salvage the situation, and she shows me a knowing smile.

Ajinke walks awkwardly towards me and stands behind me. My father looks up at her and smiles. He remembers her from earlier today.

"Hello, dear. Ajinke, right? How are you? "He says to Ajinke,

"I'm... I'm fine, your highness. "She replies, and my father smiles.

"She's the one you chose? "My father questions, and I nod.

"Yes, sir. "I reply.

"She's not a bad choice. She's a charming young lady. "My mother comments, and I give her a look which she mildly giggles at.

This woman and teasing me!

The rest of our meal goes smoothly, with Ajinke attending nervously to me. One could tell, from how shaky her fingers were, that she is nervous beyond bounds.

Right now, we're on our way to my bedroom, and she's walking in silence beside me while playing with her nails.

"Get ready. We're going out. "I say to her, and she looks up at me in shock.

"Where to, sir? "She questions with fear evident in her voice, and I simply look down at her.

She quickly looks away and apologizes, and I smile at how nervous she is. It's funny. Why is she scared? It's not like I have fangs or would hurt her.

"We're going to the royal river. "I reply, and I feel her get tensed.

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