Chapter Twenty- Six -Don't Go

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  Ajinke's POV;

I am walking with my basket of fresh fruits to take to the prince. Asake told me that the prince likes fresh fruits a lot, and I should have clean ones in his room at all times. So, whenever he wants them, it would be easy for me to get them to him, and he won't have to wait long.

“I'm telling you! That man is a demon! My mother said it would be a miracle if Muyiwa should stand up in the next two weeks. “I hear a maid say, and I freeze.

“But come, oh. Are you very sure it's his father who did such a thing to him? “I hear another maid question.

“I can swear on all my lives saving.
Have you forgotten that after they moved out of the chief's area, they started living right next to my hut?

Last night, when I was hearing all the noises, I started peeping from my window.

My suspicions were confirmed when Motilayo ran out of their house, and into ours.

She was crying that we should go and save her mother from her father. “The first maid narrates, and my jaw drops.

“Sacred goddess! “The second maid exclaims.

“Not too long after, I heard Muyiwa's mother scream out his name loudly, and the chief marched out of the house with what looked like blood on his hands.

Muyiwa's mother ran to our hut almost immediately, screaming for help.

My mother said, when she got there, Muyiwa was bleeding seriously. If not that my mother knows a few things in medicine. She said he won't have made it through the night.

He would have died! “The first maid continues, and the fruit basket in my hand almost falls.

“But… What do you think happened? “The second maid questions.

“See… What, I think, is, that man is a woman beater. Yesterday was not the first time we've heard noises of him hitting his wife in that house.

But… I think yesterday was the first time Muyiwa decided to speak up. “The first maid explains.

“Ahh… But that Muyiwa is stupid, oh. He's a fine, but stupid boy.

What power on earth did he think he had to stand up to his father? Wouldn't it have been better if he left his father and mother alone to sort out their issues?

After all, as you said, it wasn't the first time. “The second maid says.

“Ah! *Joor, don't quote me. I said, I think. “The first maid replies, and the second laughs.

*Joor = Please

“But *sha, I agree with you. Standing up against his father was a stupid move. Maybe he was high on something.

Because I don't know which child in this village will have the courage to do such a stupid and obviously deadly thing. “The first maid replies.

*Sha = Still

“Hmm. May the goddess help us. “The second maid sighs.

“Amin. “The first replies and silence follows.

I take a peek and find two girls around my age just about the corner.

Muyiwa got attacked by his father? He… He… Oh, Sacred goddess!

I turn on my heels and start a mad race back to my and Asake's room.

“Asake! “I scream on getting to our room, and Asake turns to me in alarm.

“Ajinke. What is it? “She questions, and I swallow as I throw the fruit basket away, and rush to kneel before her.

“Asake, I need your help. I need to go and see Muyiwa. “I say, and she glares at me like I've grown extra ears.

“*Ehn? “She questions and I sit on the floor.

*Ehn? = What?

“Please… He's… He's badly injured. He… He almost died… “I begin, and she cuts me off.

“And so? How do you even know all this? “She questions, and I gulp.

“Asake, please… I… I heard some maids discussing. It happened next to one of their houses. He… “I begin, and she cuts me off again.

“So what if you heard some people discussing? What if this is all a plan by Muyiwa to get you to come to him? “She questions, and I gulp.

“Muyiwa would never do that… “I state.

“So? Ajinke, have you forgotten what happened the last time you were at his house?

Besides, why should you care about what happened to that he-goat who couldn't save you when you needed him the most.

It was the prince who saved you. If not for the prince, your life would have turned into a broken calabash!

And now, you want to go and see that… Fowl, instead of serving the prince his fruits? “Asake says, and I shut my eyes.

“It's my fault that he's injured. I'm the reason he stood up to his father. “I say, and Asake's voice falls in confusion.

“I… Don't understand. “She says, and I swallow.

I narrate how he had come to me last night, the things I had said to him, and all that those maids said.

“Can you see… If I hadn't been so rude to him, he won't be in this state. “I say to Asake, and a drop of tears escapes from my eyes.

Asake falls silent for a few seconds and then speaks.

“Ajinke, you didn't do anything wrong. This is not your fault. You only pushed him to do something he should have done much earlier.

If he had learned to speak up to that bastard tyrant he calls a father much earlier, maybe he won't be in this state now.

Ajinke, this was always going to happen. It doesn't matter if it happened last night, or later in the future.

But… I won't let you go to his house.

Imagine what would happen if you bump into that his demonic father again. “She says, and I gulp.

“Ajinke, I won't let you go. And if I find out you want to go contrary to what I've said, I will report you to the prince, and it will bring up new issues as the prince will find out what the chief did, and he will have him arrested again. “She says, and my heart falls.

“Don't go, Ajinke. It's advice and a warning. “She concludes, and I stare up at her.

I shouldn't go?

Dear readers. Sorry for the late update. At least I dropped this update before midnight 🙈

I've been quite busy. But you know I can't forget y'all😘


And thanks for bing such beautiful readers💚💙💜❤💝💖💓💗

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