Chapter 53 - Adedamola Jagunmolu

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Ajinke's POV;

The first phase of my plan has been successful. The guards spent quite a lot of time looking for me, and complaining that a certain king and Muyiwa will kill them both for letting me get away from them.

I silently followed miles, and miles after them, till they approached a village. I kept following them cautiously, and they arrived at a massive palace and walked in.

I've never been out of Akomojo before, and just looking at this place makes me marvel. It's rich and different from Akomojo.

This palace is massively built in stones, and has a lot of golden decorations, making it stand out. Akomojo is great too, but this place is just so different and gives a different vibe. A somewhat cold, and distant energy.

I've come so far with my plan, and I can't just go back. My plan is quite simple. First, I'd follow the guards to wherever they'd go. They'd want to inform Muyiwa, that they lost me, and hopefully, I'd find Adebiyi where ever Muyiwa is. I'd just have to look around.

I manage to sneak into the palace, and the inside is even more breathtaking than the outside. I slip into the shadows, and luckily for me, after sneaking about for some time, I find the two men who were sent to get me, talking to an equally bigger, male figure, who has his back turned to me.

"What do you mean you lost her? "His deep, heavy voice growls, and I gulp.

"Your highness, she... She is very cunning. She... She lied that she wanted to pee, and she... "One of the men tries to explain, but this man who has his back turned to me, cuts him off.

"She outsmarted you! Both of you! You moronic men were outsmarted by such a young girl!
Fools. Get out of my sight and find her! "The man yells, and the men jump in fright. Which stuns me. Earlier when I saw these men, they looked like nothing in this world could faze them. But now, they look... Horrified.

I quickly hide properly as the men walk past me, and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I then turn back to the big man who's now begun to move further into the darkness, and I follow after him.

I made the right choice when I chose to cover myself in a black quilt, I found in the prince's room. Now I'm able to stalk this man in the shadows without him knowing. I took off my anklets a while back so they'd make no sounds to implicate me, and now I'm silently following this man like it's something I've been doing since I was born.

He suddenly stops walking, and I rush to hide in a corner.

"You know, I really must commend your skills. "He says, and my heart falls into my stomach. Who... Who is he talking to?

"It's clear that you're very good at these kinds of stealth missions. "He says, and my eyes widen as I freeze in fear.

"However,  you didn't prepare well enough for this mission. Didn't you know where you were coming to? "The deep, heavy voice questions and I shut my eyes as I place my hand over my mouth.

How on earth did he hear me? I didn't make a sound.

"Didn't you know who you planned to stalk?
Me. Adedamola Jagunmolu. "He replies, and my eyes fly open as I realize what I've just gotten myself into.

"You were doing a great job, but I must say, you weren't quite smart enough.  "He adds, and I peep at him, and find that his back is still turned to where I'm hiding.

"If you wanted to stalk me, you shouldn't have used such strong-smelling ointments. At least if you wanted to use them,  you shouldn't have sulked me long enough for me to figure out that the smell belongs to the person stalking me. "He adds, and I silently curse myself for the ointments I used. The ointments are gifts from the queen that I've been using for quite some time now, but I last used them this morning.
How can he still smell them?

"Reveal yourself, now, and I promise you a much easier death than what I have initially planned for you.
No intruders are allowed in my palace. "His scary voice says as he turns, and I quickly hide myself.

"Come on, you should know I'm not merciful. I'd kill you without a second thought if you make me have to stress myself to find you. "He says, and I swallow.

He's right. This 24-year-old beast isn't merciful. His mother died when he was a young boy, and the first thing he did after he became king, was to imprison his own father. Any and every chief who objected to him, he beheaded and hung their heads in his throne room like trophies.

He's so frigid, his story has traveled through so many villages, including mine. Which explains why I know so much about this beast.

I gulp as I come out of my hiding place, with the big quilt still over my head and body, but I won't go down without a fight.

Before coming out, I had picked up a thick stick I saw lying on the ground. And now, I have taken an attack position, with the stick held in both hands.
He sees this, and he laughs.

"Oh, you want to fight? "He questions, but I remain silent. The quilt is covering most of my face, but I can see just fine. I don't care who it is. It could even be the devil himself, but if anyone ever dares to lay a finger on my prince, I'd teach them a lesson.

Even if it's a little one, I'd still make sure I make my mark. I can't let any harm come to my prince. At least not while I'm still alive, and I don't mind dying in an attempt to save him.

"You seem to find death attractive, don't you? "The beast, king Adedamola says, and I inhale deeply as he takes off his royal beads, and sets them on a table conveniently resting on a wall in this corridor.

"Fine then. I'd grant you your wish.  "He replies, and with this, I launch myself at him.

He throws quite a number of good hits at me, but I manage to strike back. Using the lessons Yemoja had thought me. The circle of attack and defense keeps going on between us. That is until he throws a heavy kick at my chest, and I let out a scream as I fall to the ground.

If I was a man, maybe that wouldn't have hurt so much, but that massive amount of force came in contact with my breasts. I cradle my chest as tears of pain start escaping my eyes, and he suddenly pulls me up by my arm.

He slams me against the walls by the neck, near a window, and as the quilt falls off my head, I watch his face fall into a shocked expression.

"You're... You're a woman? "He questions in awe, and that is all I hear before my eyes flutter shut.

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