Chapter 61 - What Have I Done?

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Adedamola's POV;

I had just finished working out, and am sitting at the edge of my bed, to let my muscles rest.

There's a gentle knock on my opened door, and although my back is turned to the door, I know it's a maid who has come with my regular morning fruits.

"Drop it on the table. "I order as I usually do, and silence follows. Although the room is silent, I can still feel the maid's presence.

"How is the princess? "I ask the question I couldn't stop myself from asking.

I admit, that every once in a while, I think about Ajinke, and admire her perfect beauty. However, I have never lost my sleep over any maiden before.

That was before last night. I couldn't sleep, just thinking about her. How petrified and terrified she looked last night. How she cried and how she had so much faith in me. How she believed I could help her.

How did she know that I would help her? How did she know that I wouldn't be able to turn her down?

She's so peaceful, innocent, fragile, and beautiful. It hurts me to see her in so much pain. Clearly, she isn't in love with Muyiwa, and from the look of things, if she gets married to him, resentment is the only thing she'd house in her heart for him.

But there's no telling Muyiwa, that. He's a psychopath who's mindlessly obsessed with her. It hurts me to see her hurt, and this terrifies me. So much.

I can't stop thinking about the girl my partner is in love with!
I am falling in love with the girl my partner is planning to marry!

This is disastrous. A fork in the road!
I have never longed for any woman before. Not like I am beginning to long for the innocent, little girl I am helping Muyiwa to hold captive.

I know that saving her from Muyiwa is the right thing to do, but I can't bring myself to do it. If I go against Muyiwa, it will ruin my plans.

I need him to help me take over Akomojo. I can't have him as an enemy. He's the only one I've seen from Akomojo who is so willing to betray his people. If I lose him, I don't think I'd easily find another like him.

But I am also tempted to help the girl. She's clouding my mind and thoughts, and I don't like it. I'm falling for her, and I don't like it!

She has a man she loves, and another who's obsessed with her. Getting involved in the mess is the last thing I want.

"Why did you help me, last night? "The fragile voice that my heart has grown to flutter to suddenly shatters my thoughts like a stone thrown at glass, and I freeze.

I turn around in alarm, only to find her holding my fruit basket.

"You? What are you doing here? Where's the maid? "I question in confusion, and she walks towards the table in my room, and drops the basket on it.

"I told the maid that I'd bring your fruits to you today. "She replies, and I stare in wonder. Trying my possible best not to take note of how the purple skirt perfectly hugs her hips, and how the orange breast tube, temptingly, and firmly wraps her breasts.

She walks back to my front, and I just stare in silence.

"You didn't give me an answer. "She speaks, and I raise a brow.

"To what? "

"Why did you help me, last night. "She questions again, and I remember that she had indeed asked this same question earlier.

"Because it was what was right. Besides, I don't need Adebiyi, dead. That's only going to cause me trouble, now. "I reply, and she stares at me in silence.

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