Chapter 1 The Plan

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It was a Saturday night and Luna was sitting on her window seat staring down at the lights of Mystic Falls. It's been 4 years today since her mom supposably died, and she still misses her dearly. Whenever Luna got depressed, she used to cut, but she's been clean for a while and found a new coping mechanism, staring at the stars out her window, not letting any tears fall, knowing that her mom is now in a better place. Luna has been getting better, letting go of the grief, but nobody even knew how broken and unstable she was after Maria Luna Saltzman's life ended. Luan has always been good at hiding her emotions, so good that even the vampires didn't notice. She sat there with tears brimming her eyes threatening to fall, until she heard her name being called from the living room.

" Luna! Luna come on, we're going to Damon and Stefans, let's go!" Alaric yelled to his daughter.

"Pack a bag quickly too your gonna stay there with them for a few days while I'm out with Jenna." Alaric added. "Ok, just give me a few minutes!" Luna yelled back.

Luna quickly grabbed a Kleenex and wiped her eye then grabbed a few outfits, stuffed them in her bag, got her shoes, and ran out to her dads car.

Luna and Alaric arrived at the Salvatores to see a dining room table set and quite a few people, making her a bit nervous. One of the gentleman there, who wore a black tux and grey tie noticed the 13 year old who was now fiddling with her rings on her fingers. The man walked over to the girl and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name's Elijah." Elijah sticks his hand out in-front of him and that's girl shakes it replying.

" Luna, Luna Saltzman.". Elijah didn't know of Alaric's daughter or if she knew about the supernatural world, but sensed that she was apart of it, seeing as she was a un-triggered werewolf.

"You're Alaric's daughter?" Elijah stated, but it sounded like more of a question, "Yeah, I am, why, did he not mention me?" Luna asked. Elijah was about to reply, but Damon walked over and put an arm around Lunas shoulders which she just knocked off and gave him a friendly glare, and said goodbye to Elijah and walked upstairs to the room she had rightfully claimed hers.

She put her bag on the dresser and plugged her phone in and decided to go to sleep seeing as she knew something was going on tonight that she didn't want to be a part of. She hopped in the king sized bed and dozed off.

Luna awoke the next afternoon from Damon coming into her room and hitting her with a pillow, which she responded to by flipping him off, which only made him laugh more.

"Oh come on Luna, you know you love it when I get to wake the beast" Damon stated in which Luna replied, " Yeah I especially love it when I get you back, like when I put vervain in your bourbon." Damon's smile dropped and Luna just laughed recalling the memory from last week.

A few days have passed and Luna was still at the Salvatore seeing as her dad hasn't texted or come by to get her, then she didn't mind she liked her room here, it was almost as big as her apartment and she had her own bathroom.

Luna was sitting on the couch when Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena walked in visually nervous.

"What happened? And don't give me any of that we're trying to protect me shit course we all know that that won't work." Luna stated.

Elena sighed and replied, " Klaus is going to the dance tonight, and he wants you there to for some unknown reason.".

Luna sighed but didn't really care that much seeing as if he killed her she'd be with her mom, but responded with

" Are we going to the dance? Also I'm not even in high school so I don't see why I should have to go because by the look in Damon's face I can tell you all want me to go." Elena nervously smiled and I sighed,

"Fine, but I'm not dressing up.". Soon after that everyone started talking about a plan to kill Klaus and about right after that Klaus/Alaric walked in.

Luna thinking it was her dad spoke first saying, "Hey dad." Klaus/Alaric stared for a second but responded with "Hi Luna". After that Elena spoke saying,

"okay, we find him then what hmm, what's out plan of attack?". " Me, he had no idea how much power I can channel." Bonnie buds in. " Its not gonna be that easy I mean he is the biggest, baddest vampire around." Klaus/Alaric says,

" Since when are you an ass kisser." Luna mumbles Stefan and Damon laugh being the only two who heard her, well that they know if, Klaus heard but couldn't say anything as he would blow his cover, but he was amused. Damon takes this moment to chime in,

" Ric's right what if he..." Damon takes this moment to vamp speed at Bonnie,but she uses her magic to slam him into a book shelf across the room.

"Well I was impressed" Luna says as she stifles a laugh. Damon then proceeded to give her a fake smile and flip her off which Luna mocked hurt in reply.

"It doesn't matter if he's an original Elena I can take him down I know I can!" Bonnie stated confidently.

"If Bonnie can do that with the flick of her wrist, I'm pretty sure she's be able to take down Klaus." Luna signed and the others nodded in agreement.

Authors note: Thanks for reading I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Word Count: 980 words

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