Chapter 15 Mind Games

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Warning!!!! Mention of blood, death and other things         TW

Klaus' POV:

When I got home from Tyler Lockwood's house last night, I put Luna in her bed right away. I stayed close by ,waiting for her to awake in the night, but she never once did. In the morning, I listened for Luna to wake up while I made breakfast, sausage, bacon and eggs to be exact, but again, She never once woke.

The day passed quickly and Luna never awoke. It was getting to the point where I was trying to wake her up, but I couldn't. I tried to go it to her mind to talk to her, but I couldn't, when I tried to grab her hand to let me into her mind, it burned me, like vervain, but 10x worse. I looked at my hand to see the spiral burn in my hand. The marking was exactly The same as Luna's and I immediately knew what has happened.

A few hundred years ago I heard about this spell from a witch. One witch in particular, a Devereux witch. A witch who practiced dark magic and was shunned from her coven. The spell is to 'incapacitate' a person of your choosing. In this case, Luna is unconscious and can't wake up. From what I know, she won't be able to until the witch who casted the spell chooses for her too, but I don't know much. In other words, it means I have no way in communicating with Luna, and I have no idea what she is seeing in her mind right now.

Luna's POV:
In her mind

I opened my eyes to see me sitting on a amusement park ride. Specifically the one mom died on. I stood up immediately and tried to jump down from it, but I looked over the edge to see that I was at least 80 feet in the air. I turned around to see one of the buckles broken and blood pouring down the seat,  specifically the same seat where mom was 7 years ago. I felt my eyes start to tear up thinking of the moment. I looked for a ladder or a bar to climb down to, but there was nothing, it was like we were floating...

I sat down on the opposite side of the ride in a chair. I sat there for a few minutes until suddenly I felt the ride starting to move upwards, the move to the side, until finally we started to slowly spin.. I grabbed my buckle and buckled myself into the seat, I held on to the bars in front of me for dear life and shut my eyes. The ride started to spin faster and faster and I felt something wet splatter on my face and body. I opened my eyes to see my mothers in the seat across from me, her her skull cracked and busted. Blood was everywhere, I looked down to see her blood, on me. I screamed Bloody Mary, and tear started streaming down my face.

"Mom! Mom!!! Mom No!!!"  The ride slowed its speed and eventually the ride stopped. I wanted to run and see her, but the amount of blood on the floor, I couldn't move. In school, I learned that the human body only had 6-10 pints of blood in their body once an adult. That's about 3/4-1.5 gallons of blood and it doesn't seem that much, but seeing it in person, and the person being your deceased mom, that can do something to you. I curled up into a corner, and tried to wipe the blood off my face and hands, but it was no use, it feels like it's stained into my skin and it won't ever come off.

Klaus' POV:

I contacted a friend in Louisiana to go find a Deveraux witch. I told him that their family line is in the New Orleans. He told me that he was about half an hour away from the French quarter, and that he'd see what he can find about one.

Once I ended the call with him, I went back to Luna's bedside. I saw tear marks down her cheeks and her hands shaking. I listened to her heartbeat to hear it beating fast. I grabbed her hand and held it between my own.

"Luna! You need to calm down! Whatever you are seeing right now, it's just a figment of your imagination, it's not real Luna, it's not real. Just tell yourself it's not real, okay?" I assured.

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