Chapter 11 Kidnapped by Klaus, Again

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Salt Lake City
Luna's POV:

I opened my eyes to see that I was laid across the backseat of a car with a blanket draped over me. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Klaus driving with a unnatural facial expression.

"Why'd you move me? I was in the front before, and why did I have to come on another dumb trip?" I complained. Klaus looked in the mirror and made eye contact with me.

"Would you rather me have you sleep sitting up or lying down? And I brought you because you're good company." Klaus shrugged as a gave him a knowing look.

"That's not the reason and we both know it. I barely spoke to you for 3 whole months and when I did talk to you, you gave me frustratingly vague answers to my questions, so I didn't talk to you, or Stefan. So give me the real reason." I glared. Klaus clenched his jaw.

"I saw in your head remember? I wasn't gonna let you go back to be beaten again. And you wanted answers about your mother, hmm?" Klaus coaxed.

"You went in my head again, why? You told me you wouldn't do that to me again, but you did! You wouldn't even know about my mom if you didn't invade my privacy in the first place." I mumbled the last part thought Klaus heard it anyways from his enhanced hearing.

"Oh come on love! Let's put the past behind us and move on with the future!" Klaus coaxed.

"You're one to talk." I scoffed.

"How so?" Klaus challenged.

" You say Katherine 'betrayed' you because she didn't want to be used in some ritual then have to die because of it. She turned into a vampire so she could have a chance at life and a good one , but since you didn't get your way, you've hunted her down for like 500 years. You're trying to stop me from dwelling on the past which is still recent, even though you dwell for centuries upon centuries. You've said things about enemies before, you wouldn't have them if you let go of your grudges and didn't kill family members or friends I presume,  one of that would exist, except your vengeful now, and I don't think you'll ever change that about yourself." I glared. Klaus glared back.

"I hunted Katerina because at the time my family, the originals, didn't know of the doppelgängers child, therefore meaning that I would never be able to break my curse. I spent 1000 years trying to break that curse, don't you think I had good reason? Do you not think I would've given up if it didn't mean anything to me? And being alive for a thousand years is a gift, but it also is a curse. I can't die, so I have to watch empires rise then fall, I get to see cultures change and develop, but nobody understands my family and I's perception of the world, so I get bored, I do things for 'fun' and as I said before I can't die, so enemies can only do little to no harm to me." Klaus dazed. I stayed quiet after that. I guess I never really thought being a werewolf was that great, I mean I've listened to Tyler complain about it for months, the pain of a full moon, all your bones breaking over and over again, that's a no for me. Like I'd never want to be a werewolf, but seeing as I'm a un-triggered one, I think I'll have to become one, at least one day I will.

"Who's Mikael?" I asked, Klaus visibly tensed.

"Mikael is my father." Klaus sneered. I furrowed my brows.

"Then why did you run, shouldn't you be happy he's here?" I asked confused.

"You asked before why I hunted Katerina. yes? I only did that to make others feel my pain in a way. Mikael has always despised me, I was the bastard son! He hated me, and that amplified when I took my little brother Hendrix to see the werewolves turn one night while my family was still human. He got attacked, and the effects took a toll on his body and he died. My mother couldn't take anymore loss of her children, so she placed a curse on my family and I.When we turned into vampires, We had a bloodlust, When I had my first kill, I triggered my werewolf curse. When Mikael found out, he despise me even more now knowing that I wasn't even his son, he made Esther, my mother, place the curse on me to bind my werewolf half, leaving me with out half of my soul. After that he killed my mother for having an affair after he killed my real dad Ansel, And his whole family, therefore creating the war between the species, vampires and werewolves." Klaus spoke humorously.

I was speechless, I've never heard Klaus'  side of the story before, so it was odd to feel bad for him, but I do.

"Klaus, I'm sorry for what Michael did to you, but when can we go home?" I spoke sincerely.

"Soon little wolf, soon." He sighed.

Time Skip:
Klaus' POV:

It's been approximately 3 weeks since I left Mystic Falls with Luna. I've been able to turn about one and a half packs and all are sired, which makes things easier for me I guess. Luna has been quiet as usual except the first day, she was angry, but felt pity for me when she heard my story which I despised, I hate pity, but she's a child, and innocent, so I let it slide. I pulled into a penthouse driveway and I saw how Luna gapes at the house.

"We're staying here?" She questioned.

"Did you forget about me being a thousand years old? I'm quite rich and have the gift of compelling people." I chuckled. I stopped the car at the front and we hopped out and walked to the door. I unlocked it and held the door open for Luna as she hesitantly walked in. When she did her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"I've never been in a place even near as fancy as this." She whispered. I smiled.

"We'll you've never met anybody with as high expectations as me then." I teased. Luna turned to face me and gave a 'really' look and I just laughed.

"You can take any of the rooms up those stairs, just not the first door your left." I told her. She beamed at me then jogged up the stairs.

"Woah." I heard Luna whisper. I heard 3 different doors open and close, but then I heard footsteps enter a room. I went to the entertaining room and poured a glass of bourbon. About and hour later, Luna came into the room.

"Is it bold of me to assume that there is food in the fridge?" She asked cautiously.

"There should be food in there for you. If not, I can have one of the maids make you something." I answered vaguely.She nodded then went to explore the penthouse to find the kitchen. Not long after I heard her go up the stairs to her room. I heard her talking in the phone with Caroline I believe, saying that she misses her and that she hopes to see her soon. Ever since Luna slipped up with her accent at the bar, she's been slowly letting it seep back into her words. It makes me nostalgic at points, she is just so British sometimes. I looked at my phone to see it was 1:02 A.M.

"Might as well get some rest." I sighed to myself. I got up and walked up the stairs to my room. The thing is, I told Luna not to go into my art room, but for some odd reason, I didn't say which room was mine. I walked in the room to see Luna asleep on my bed.

"Oh bloody hell." I chuckled quietly. I observed how she always slept in a ball and covered her face with her hands as she slept, habits from her past I guess. I grabbed clothes out of my wardrobe and walked to a guest room. I laid down on the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, wondering how I was supposed to tell Luna that her mother is now a vampire and not as dead as she thought.

Authors Note:

Sorry this is a short chapter, I've been extremely busy lately and sprained my ankle so yeah. I'll try to update soon as possible. Hope you like the book so far!

Word Count: 1445

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