Chapter 7 Hybrids

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Luna's POV:

Stefan, Klaus and I were walking up the Appalachian Mountains. Currently Stefan had Ray in his shoulder and was walking side by side with Klaus while I walked a bit behind.

" Are you okay? Is Ray getting heavy for you? You need a little sit down or some water perhaps?" Klaus taunted Stefan.

"Look, I get that we're stuck here together, but if we could just skip the chit chat that would be great." Stefan grumbled.

" Oh so much brooding. Your self loathing is suffocating you my friend." Klaus smirked.

"Well we've been hunting werewolves all summer, not my idea of fun." Stefan sighed.

"And thanks to our pal Ray, we've found ourselves a pack." Klaus smiled as we got to the werewolf pack.

We walked into the camp and Stefan dropped Ray over his shoulder to the ground as some girl ran over to him.

"Ray! Ray oh my god! Who are you?" The girl Stefan asked frightened.

"The real question, is who am I." Klaus stated authoritatively.

The girl started backing up. "You're the hybrid." The girl observed.

"You've heard of me? Wonderful." Klaus laughed.

"And I thought his ego couldn't get any bigger." I sighed quietly. Stefan tried to hold Ik his laugh while Klaus just gave me a glare to which I backed down.

A little while passed and I didn't want to listen to Klaus talk about being a hybrid anymore so I got up and walked tit he cliff edge admiring the view.

"We aren't jumping are we?" Klaus said as he came behind me.

"I'm not suicidal, dumbass." I scolded saying that last part only in my head. Klaus just put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked quietly.

"What do you want to know love?" Klaus replied.

"Actually I have two. The first one, do you know why my mother was a doppelgänger, or if she was semi immortal? I mean like if she was the girl you saw as a kid." I questioned.

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question love." Klaus answered sympathetically.I nodded feeling disappointed.
I haven't been able to ask him a question about my mom all summer because Stefan was around and I didn't want him to know.

"Ok then, my second question. Why did you take me with you and Stefan?" I question once again.

"At first I told myself you were great leverage to have against Damon Salvatore and your father to not ruin my plans with Stefan or my Hybrids, but I think I brought you because you have a spitting image of the girl I once knew. We were good friends you know. We used to paint together and carve our names into stone, but once I became a vampire, I never saw her again, I didn't want to hurt her. You're a lot like her, even if you don't know it." Klaus told me sincerely.

"Thank you for answering me honestly" I told him seriously. He gave me a real, genuine smile and nodded. Then got up and reached his hand down to me.

"Come on little wolf, we've got to get back to the wolves, they're in transition." Klaus whispered as he helped me up.

As we walked back to the wolves in transition they looked like zombies and it was freaking me out.

"Klaus." I said shakily.

"I know, stay behind me." Klaus demanded to which I complied to.

"Bloody hell." Klaus whispered, then one of the transitioned hybrids lunges towards me , but before he got to me, Klaus plunged his hand into the hybrid and ripped his heart out. He killed every hybrid and we were both covered in blood, but it wasn't ours.

I was sitting on a rock by a tree with my knees to my chest shaking, but not because I was cold. I was surrounded with by dozens of bodies, and they were all killed in-front of me. Klaus sat not to far away on a log while drinking a bottle of beer looking defeated, but I didn't mention it.

After a while of us sitting there Stefan appeared with a dead rag over his shoulder.

"I had to take him out. I failed you, do what you have to do." Stefan murmured.

"It should have worked, I killed and werewolf, I killed doppelgänger and a vampire." Klaus whispered, but I saw how Stefan looked uneasy when Klaus said he killed the doppelgänger. Klaus picked up an empty bottle and but his wrist letting the blood pour into the bottle then handed it to Stef.

"Bottoms up, it appears you two are the only comrades I have left." Klaus mumbled. Stefan and I locked eyes, then he drank Klaus' blood, the werewolf bite healing quickly.

Klaus walked over to me and helped me up while he whispered,

"I'm sorry you had to watch that little wolf." I nodded sadly. I've never seen anything nor anyone kill like that before and it scares me. If I pissed Klaus off or any vampire that could happen to me easily.

I guess Klaus saw how frightened I was and knew I wasn't going to walk anywhere so  he gave me sedative, because the next thing I felt with a pinch in my neck, then I fell into Klaus' arms.

Klaus' POV:

Luna looked petrified. I'm not sure if it was directed towards me, but nonetheless I gave her a sedative and took her back to the car with Stefan behind me.

I stopped at a high end hotel and asked for 3 rooms, but there was only two available. I gave Stefan keys to one room and I took the keys and put Luna in the bed while I went to the other end of the room and crashed on the couch. I kept looking towards Luna hearing her say my name in the way she said it wile the hybrids pounced at her.

I never did fall asleep I just listened to Luna's steady heartbeat and slow breaths. In the morning when Luna awoke she was a little loopy and it was quite funny.

"Klaus! If you get wet um you do you uh smell like a wet dog?" Luna laughed I smiled and shook my head.

"No, I do not."I said sternly.

"Surely you do! That's why Stefan's always in a bad mood because he has to smell wet dog so he gets grumpy!" Luna rambled. I gave her a playful glare and she kept laughing.

'Knock knock knock'

"Klaus! Are we going?" Stefan asked me.

"Come in here." I said. Stefan walked in to see Luna trying to hold in her laugh. She was seriously laughing at the littlest things.

"What's wrong with her?" Stefan asked pointing at Luna who was now under the covers.

"A bit loopy from the sedative I guess." I smirked. Stefan laughed.

"You sedated me?!" Luna yelled. I tried so hard not to laugh.

"Don't take it personal love." I stated calmly. Luna glared and Stefan tried to keep a straight face.

" You know you could all leave and um let me uh sleep! 'Cause you know I uh I'm tired."Luna jumbled her words.

"How come love you are quite amusing when your on drugs." I smirked.

"You should Lea-" Luna started then fell unconscious once again.

"That is the most I've heard her talk this whole summer." I chuckled.

"That's the most I've heard her talk at all. She never talks to anyone really, she's not a big people person." Stefan shrugged.

"Well Stefan, we must be off. We're going to Chicago!" I told him excitedly and he just sighed.

I picked up Luna and brought her to the car and buckled her up. Both Stefan and I got in the car once again, and I started driving to Windy City Chicago.

Authors Note: Today was a shorter chapter sorry, I'll try to make a Lao get one next! Thanks for reading!

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