Chapter 17 Filling in the Blanks and Retrieving Family Members

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Klaus' POV:

I can't believe it to be true. There is no way that Luna could be mine. Over 1000 years, I've wanted a child, but you can't become pregnant with a man that you haven't been with for centuries. Impossible. I try to not focus on the situation and look for Luna, hoping she didn't hear the words that spilled from her mothers mouth.

"Luna, love?" I called out. I heard floor boards creaking and soft padded footsteps coming closer.

"Yes?" She responded. She looked deep in thought and kind of 'out of it'. She looked flabbergasted.

"Are you alright love?" I asked uncertainly. She paused, then slowly nodded her head as if she came to a conclusion for her queries. I hesitantly gave her a nod in understanding then continued.

"I've got to go have a chat with a friend, would you like to come?"
"No, I think I'll stay here if that's alright?" She dejected.

"Of course, I'll be back later then, make sure to call me if anything pops up. Stay inside and don't let anyone in, okay?" I proclaimed.

" I know." She smiled, and with that I sped to the one and only Jeremy Gilbert.

Luna's POV:
45 minutes later

I didn't hear everything last night but I did hear Alaric confirm that somehow I wasn't his daughter. I blanked out for a bit after acknowledging what he said, then continued listening for what Klaus and my mother said. From what I heard Klaus is extremely paranoid and doesn't trust anyone, which I already know, but it was about me my mom said. She said he wouldn't have believed her if she had told him, but told him what?

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a small paring knife, bringing it up to my room. I felt tears form in my eyes and my hands were shaking as I held the knife to my wrist.

Tear drops rolled down my cheeks and dampened my shirt. I sat on my bed for what felt like hours staring down. I looked at the scars that have healed and the ones that were almost healed. The pinkish scars fading to a lighter shade of my skin, but when I think of them, and when I look at them, I think of the pain and addiction that follow after.

I remembered the feeling of numbness and the happy persona that followed me around everyone where I went. The fake smiles and laughter, and the behind the scenes, crying, hopelessness, and not feeling anything. Not caring about anything. I tried to tell my 'dad' a few times, but he was always busy with Elena. I realize now, that if I go through with this, I won't be able to stop, Klaus will find out, and I will never be the same. I don't want to end up like that, I do not want that to happen to me again. I took a deep breath and I put the knife down on my bed and stood up.

I start pacing around, walking back and forth, wondering what my mother didn't think Klaus would believe, it was driving me insane. I stop pacing and grab the knife. I grab the knife and I put it back in the drawer in the kitchen, then walk back up to my room and lay down on my bed, shut my eyes, and attempt to go to sleep. To attempt and make the feeling of nothingness disappear.

Klaus' POV:

I left Luna at the house about 3 hours ago. I wanted to talk to the Bennet witch, alone, but I asked if she wanted to come nonetheless and thankfully she said no. When I got to Bonnies house I listened to see if she was home and I heard her on a call with Elena.

"Elena, do not try to talk to her. You almost sacrificed her for your own safety. She's never going to let you live that down,  and her moms back in town. Last thing she needs is you or the Salvatore's going over to her house." Bonnie exclaimed.

"It's kind of to late for that now. Damon, Alaric and Maria went to find Luna earlier today. They were gonna bring her to me so I could apologize, then they were going to take her to this werewolf pack near New Orleans. This pack apparently has history with Labonairs, so she will be with her own people and she could be in her true form almost permanently! She would be happy, but Klaus was there and they couldn't get her." Elena sighed

"What the hell Elena?! That isn't her true form. She's 15 and you want her to spend the rest of her life in a wolf form? Plus, if you haven't noticed, she seems pretty happy and content staying with Klaus even if we don't like him. He's her dad and she doesn't even know it yet, but she has a right to stay with him." Bonnie defended

"But he's dangerous Bonnie. He could turn her into a bad person, we would just be protecting her from him by letting her be with her own kind." Elena countered.

"Why are you acting as if she isn't human? Are you saying if Klaus somehow had me, you'd send me off to be with 'my own people'? You know the witches that hate me for being a Bennet witch?"Bonnie argued.

"That's different Bonnie, you just have magic and you can protect yourself." Elena stated.

"I can't believe you.You're just as bad as him now Elena, maybe even worse." Bonnie sighed as she hung up the phone. I waited a minute then knocked on the Bennet door.

"Coming!" I heard her walk to the door and jiggle the knob opening the door.

"Hello Bonnie." I greeted. She glared.

"Klaus." She was about to slam the door.

"I need to ask you a question about Luna and I need you to be honest." I spoke.

"Why should I help you?" She asked.

"Because you care about Luna? But if that's not enough what do you want in return?" I questioned.

" I need you to keep her away from the Salvatore's, her mother, Alaric, and Elena." She told me.

"Done. Now, Maria came to my house earlier today, she claims that Luna was my daughter, somehow. Should I believe her, is it possible that she is my daughter" I rambled.

"Somehow, yes, it is possible, she is your daughter. The curse of the original witch put on Maria salvaged her pregnancy. She became pregnant around the exact same time that she was pregnant when you both were human." Bonnie explained.

"She's really my daughter!" I whispered. Bonnie gave a small smile and nod, then looked me in my eyes.

"I want to get back at the Salvatore's for a trying to do something bad to Luna, so the coffins are at the Old witch house. I put a cloaking spell on them so" she handed me a talisman " take this, and you'll be able to see them."

"Thank you Bonnie. If you need anything, you know where to find me and Luna." I thanked her. She gave me a nod and shut the door. I looked at the talisman in my hand and spread to the old witch house.

Hey guys, I realize that the chapter is short and I'll make sure to make the next one longer, but I hope you enjoyed it. I'm catching up on a lot of schoolwork, so I'll try my best to update soon. Feel free to leave feedback info if you'd like.
Word Count:1280

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