Homecoming Part 2

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Klaus' POV:
I walked onto the stage where a band was playing currently and politely grabbed the microphone while scanning the crowd to see familiar faces.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to thank you for coming, it's been a long time coming." I said, then walked back off the stage and into the crowd. I drank a few beers then found Elena.

"Klaus." She spoke wearily.

"Elena, didn't expect to see you here!" I mocked enthusiasm.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Me nothing, just wanted to have a few drinks with my friends and enjoy this homecoming dance." I smirked, she gave me a look.

"You seem nervous, are scared of me." I whispered into her ear.

"No, I Just don't like you." She said and I laughed.

"Right to the point then shall we? People have been after me for a thousand years Elena. I've learned to always be two steps ahead, so whatever you and your friends are plotting, go on, have at it. Give it your best shot, but know that you will not succeed, and even if you are somehow able to succeed in killing me, my hybrids have their orders, so if I die, you and your friends will too." I drawled. "Good night Elena." I stated and walked off.

Time skip: Inside the Lockwood Mansion
Tyler's POV:

I walked into my house to find teenagers and hybrids in every room. I walked up ti the bar and found Caroline pouring herself a drink.

"Hey Care." I stated. She turned around and smiled.

"Hi Tyler!" She exclaimed. I looked at her warily.

"I need you to go home take Elena and your friends too." I told her seriously.

"What? No, why?" She Said exasperatedly.

"Just listen, somethings going on tonight and I just know that I have to protect Klaus, and I don't want you to get cought in the middle of it. Please Caroline, please go!" I pleaded.

"Tyler I'm fine! I can handle myself." She claimed.

"I thought you might say that." I sighed then stabbed her with a syringe full of vervain and caught her unconscious body. I brought her to my room and texted Matt. Soon after he stormed into the room.

"Hey I got your text. What do you nee-" he ran over to Care.

"Matt, I need you to get her out of here, you to , you just gotta leave now!" I told him.

"Alright." He obliged. I sighed out of relief.

"Okay, thank you. I gotta go but remember get her out of here!" I told him as I ran out of my room going back downstairs.

Luna's POV:

I turned off my TV and got up from my bed, grabbing my dishes and bringing them downstairs to the dishwasher I was about to walk back to my room when I felt the necklace that Klaus gave me burn me. I quickly took it off and looked at the burn mark. It had a weird spiral shape on it, and that spiral shape is not on my necklace. I grab some ice and applied it to the burn, But as soon as I did that I started to feel lightheaded, and the next thing I know is me falling to the ground and hearing glass break, but the glass breaking wasn't me.

Klaus' POV:

Currently I am about to win beer pong, against two of my hybrids, But Tony had to come ruin it.

"There's a man outside he wants to see you." He told me.

"Then let's not keep him waiting." I sighed.

"He said his name is Mikael." He continued. I inhaled sharply.

Tell everyone to go outside in the back, you know what to do." I ordered him and he nodded. After that he went and told the rest of the hybrids and they ushered people out of the house. I then walked to the front door to see my father standing there and all of his glory staring back at me.

"Niklaus." He stated.

"Mikael, Why don't you come on inside, oh wait, you can't." I mocked.

"Or, you could come out here and face me like a man." Mikael glowered.

" or I could watch my hybrids tear you apart with the snap of these two fingers. All I have to do is snap and they'll pounce." I smirked.

"Oh Niklaus, these abominations may be be hybrids, but they're not just wolf now they're part vampire, which means they can be compelled by me." Mikael sneered, and suddenly Elena was thrown into his arms by one of my hybrids. I felt my heart drop.

"Oh Niklaus, your impulse, it has and will forever be your downfall, but If I kill her, it'll be the last of your abominations." He smirked.

"I don't need them I just need to be rid of you." I glared.

"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one by your side? Nobody cares about you anymore boy!" He scolded.

" Go on, kill her. If you kill her you lose your leverage, so go on, kill her, kill her old man, come on kill her, kill her!" I screamed.

"If I kill her it'll stop your abominations, but if I kill this one-" he drawled as a hybrid dragged a half unconscious Luna out to him.

"You will have lost the only person that you care about besides your siblings that happen to be daggared in a box." I wanted to kill him here and there for touching Luna in such a harmful way, but I can't show him any weakness.

"What do I care, kill then both." I glared as a few tears trickled down my cheeks, but Mikael took that as the best chance to stab Elena in the back and shove his hand into Luna's chest holding her heart. I went to go step forward and save her, but something hit me and all of a sudden I was on the ground with Damon Salvatore I top of me about to stab me with a white oak stake. I was about to push him off, but Stefan came and shoved him off saving me and making Damon drop the only weapon that can kill my family and Mikael.

I got up and grabbed the stake then jumped at Mikael making sure he didn't rip out Luna's heart, then stabbed him. Killing him after 1000 years of torture from him. I watched in shock for a second before turning back to Luna and giving her my blood to make sure she lives from having my 'fathers' hand in her chest holding her heart. She had tears in her eyes, and was about ti say something but something took over and she fell unconscious in my arms, that's when I noticed The necklace I gave her wasn't on her chest, and a spiral burn was on her chest just below her collarbone. I know that spiral burn, this is her mothers doing.

I slowly put Luna in the ground for a second and walked over to the two Salvatore's.

"What did you do?!" Damon yelled at Stefan.

"He earned his freedom." I spoke calmly. I walked up to Stefan and looked him in the eyes.

"You no longer have to do as I say, you are free my friend. Thank you." I un-compelled him. I backed away, walked back over to Luna, picked her up, then sped us home. What a night.

Authors Note:
I'm so sorry it took so long to update! I've been having personal issues I had to sort out but I'm all good now, so there's that! I hope you liked this chapter and if you like it please vote! You don't have to ,but I do appreciate it. Also for the people who messaged me the answer is I'm 13 turning 14 in a month in a half!

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Word count: 1326

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