Chapter 2 Meeting the Devil himself

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Luna's POV.

I arrived at Mystic Falls high with Damon and Elena at the same as Stefan. We all walked through the high school doors and went to the gym.

"All right everybody! We have a shoutout for Luna Saltzman and Elena Gilbert from Klaus!"One of the girls Dana announced. Elena was trembling, but I didn't care so much.

"I know everybody here" Elena whispered as she looked around the room.

"Maybe he's not here and he just wants us to think he is." Positive Patty aka Stefan stated.

"It's a party people, blend..." Damon blurted. "Luna let's go see your dad" He continued and I just nodded.

I followed Damon through the crowd of people to my dad.

"Hey Ric!" Damon greeted. "Hey, special dedication huh, this guy is kinda twisted." Dad spoke, but not in his usual sarcastic or dull tone. " Eh, I'm not impressed." Damon bluntly replied making me chuckle. From a side glance it looked like dad gave me a glare, but I don't know for sure.

"Oh look, there's Jermey I'll be back." Damon stated. I just waved him off, but I didn't want to be around my dad he was acting strange, but what do I know."So, uh, Luna, how's school?" Dad asked nervously. I was getting fed up so I replied back with

"Why are you acting so weird today? It's like your a while other perso..." Dad smiled, but it wasn't MY dad who was, it was Klaus . "Smart girl, didn't see that one coming. Now you have two choices, choice one, you can come with me willingly, or, choice 2, you can come forcefully. Your choice." Klaus responded snidely.

I just tentatively took a step backwards, but he grabbed my arm dragging me out of the gym. He brought me to my dads classroom and ripped off my vervain bracelet that Katherine gave me. She must have been compelled.

"Stay here until I come back and say otherwise" Klaus compelled me. I merely blinked and mumbled the words back to him.

After I was compelled Klaus left, and I tried to leave too, but an invisible barrier stopped me from doing so. I bashed my fist against the barrier, but it did absolutely nothing besides hurting my hand.

Eventually I gave up, so I shut the classroom door, walked over to the window and sat down tucking my knees to my chest.

I started thinking about my dad, how he would feel if I left this world, wondering if I died, would he survive pain and grief of losing his last living relative. I realized he would never recover from losing his only daughter, so I made a note to myself. From now on I will do everything in my power to stay alive, for him.

About an hour later, I've almost fallen asleep, but all of a sudden the door is opened, so I stand up as quick as possible and turn around.

I was horrified all I saw was my dad covered in blood and torn clothes, but it wasn't him, it was Klaus. He looked at me for a second, at first he looked a bit sympathetic, but then looked amused by my terror.

He then reached out his hand and stated.

" Shall we love." Then in a flash of an eye he was in front of me , compelling me yet again."You can now leave this classroom now"

I felt relief wash over me thinking that he was letting me go, but no. In another blink we were no longer in the school, we were in my apartment, and I'm pretty sure it's the one he has been residing in.

" You can not leave until I tell you you can"Klaus compelled. I felt my heart drop. I stepped back from Klaus and looked around the living room. Klaus looked pleased with himself and then called out somebody's name.

"Oh Katerina, come here!" Klaus coaxed. Then Katherine walked out of my bedroom and we locked eyes. My eyes showed relief that I had somebody here, but hers held terror, probably because she has no idea why I'm here, but neither do I.

"Klaus why did you bring Luna into this." Katherine mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

" Why not? The save Elena squad seems to like her, and this is her home after all, no need to keep her away." Klaus grinned.

I tentatively walked over to Katherine and she gave me a tight hug. Klaus looked surprised by her actions, seeing as Kathrine has terrorized the group, but nonetheless I'd be surprised too to see she had a soft spot for a young teen.

" I'm leaving, I've got to call Maddox to retrieve me my body." Klaus announced. Kathrine looked confused,

"Are you sure that's a good idea Klaus? I mean why do the ritual here, there's so many people who are here that will try to stop you." Katherine drawled.

" I have to do it here, It's the birth place of the doppelgänger." Klaus remarked.

"I didn't realize that was a requirement." Katherine mumbled.

"How could you? You betrayed before I could spare you the details, although I did find your family and slaughtered them, so I guess were cool." The soon to be hybrid boasted. Katherine gulped.

Klaus then left and Katherine and I started to look through the cabinets. I was looking for food and she was looking for a blood bag. We both didn't find food, but we found vodka, bourbon, and shot glasses.

Since Katherine is the responsible person she is, she let me drink with her, and we had a blast, I actually forgot that I was stuck in my apartment because I was compelled by a psychotic original vampire.

Later on we started to watch twilight, my choice obviously.
"Why don't you sparkle like Edward? You would've been so much cooler!"I blurted still drunk, but more sobered up.

" Because this is the real world Luna, but you are right, somehow I would be even more awesome ." Katherine chuckled.

At that moment a witch strolled into the room with a coffin, then female witch walked in with Klaus.

" Are you ready to get out of this body?" Greta asked. "Unfortunately this body has outlived its usefulness , and I have no other reasons to stay in it." Klaus replied.

I got bored form the conversation so I walked back to my room. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a photo of my mom and I.

In the photo I was 7 and it was taken right before I went on the teacup ride at Disneyland with her. That was one of the best days and then the worst days  I ever had in my life, and one of the last times I ever got to be with my mom.

I quickly realized that even though I haven't cut in a few weeks I have a blade in my drawer with dries blood on it.

I quickly ran over to my drawer to see if either of them have seen my blade, but while I was running I ran into to something. I looked up and saw a man with curly dirty blonde hair smirking down at me, I recognized that smirk, it's the same one Klaus gave me when I figured out he was in my dads body, but then I looked at his hand and my face went pale.

My blade, Klaus has my blade.

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