Chapter 2

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Author's POV...

After work Naina walked back down the street to the church. She could not make it to the mass today like she promised to her mother. When Naina reached the church, she saw Reena and her grandmother praying in front of Naina's father Colonel Basil's grave. This made Naina's thoughts go many years ago.



"Hello. Are you a relative of Colonel Basil?" The voice across the phone asked Naina.

"Yes, I am his daughter. Who is calling?" the young Naina asked curiously

There was a short pause and then came the answer "I'm one of your father's colleagues. I'm afraid Colonel Basil is no more. He passed away in an attack yesterday. His body will be brought home in a few days. I'm really sorry for your loss" the voice over the phone said bluntly, tearing Naina's heart into a thousand pieces, if not more.

The young Naina struggled to process this piece of information. Slowly she leaned back against the wall in panic. Naina prayed for this to be a nasty dream of hers. Unfortunately it was not a dream, it was the reality. Even though Naina was young, she was aware that her mom would be shattered when she found out. Therefore, Naina did not have the courage to break this news to her mother or grandmother. So, later that day Naina sent her brother John a telegram who was undergoing his army training (following the footsteps of his father) to return home as soon as possible.

Till John's arrival, Naina kept this a secret. Only Naina knows how much she suppressed her emotions. Along with John, Colonel Basil's body too arrived that day making it easier for John and Naina to break the news to Reena and grandma. That day was one of the most painful days in Naina's life. It was on her father's funeral realisation hit Naina that her father is no more. It was on his funeral day, Naina grasped the enormity of her loss and how she would never see her dad or hear his voice ever again. Just like Naina and John, Reena did not express much of her emotions in front of the world, even though Basil's death killed them inside. Nevertheless, Naina was conscious of Reena weeping silently and noticed how Reena seemed withdrawn from the world. Naina could understand Reena's feelings because she understood how her mother's bereavement was even greater than her own.

Her father's death shook the family's base, massively!

End of Flashback

Tears welled in Naina's eyes when she thought about that incident many years ago. If her father was alive today, probably Naina's childhood would have been different.

"Oh Naina, when did you come?" Reena asked her daughter, as she helped grandma to stand up.

"Just now" Naina replied,

"Oh okay. Fr Matthew was asking about you. Go and see him now. Whilst you do that, we'll spend some more time here" Reena said to which Naina listened, obediently.

Fr Matthew was someone Naina could never forget, ever. He played a crucial part in her life and in a way saved her too. Due to work and other commitments, it has been a while since Naina has seen Fr Matthew.

"Good afternoon, father" Naina greeted the Pastor in the church.

"Oh Naina! What a pleasant surprise? How are you, child?" Fr Matthew asked Naina lovingly.

"I'm good, father. Just a bit busy now with work, that's why I was not able to visit church and able to attend the mass in ages" Naina replied.

"It is amazing to see how you picked yourself from the trauma you went through and rebuilt your life. Not many girls will have the courage to pick themselves up like you did in life. I am proud of you Naina but in between all this, don't forget God" Father Matthew advised Naina to which she nodded.

"Father, without you I wouldn't have been able to make it this far in life but... May... uh can I ask you something?" Naina asked father.

"Yes, of course," Father Matthew replied.

" father do you know anything about my child? Is she safe?" Naina asked father with a lot of hesitation.

"Yes, she is absolutely fine. That's all I am able to say now. Legally the child is no longer yours. She is growing up as another father and mother's daughter. Let it remain like that" Fr Matthew told Naina sternly. Naina enquiring about her child after so long worried Fr Matthew. He doesn't know whether what he did was right or wrong but for him it was the only thing he could do at that time to save a young girl from suicide.

After a brief and awkward silence, he said "Okay Naina, I'm going home now. Come back another day meanwhile, refrain yourself from going back into the past. It is not right." This made Naina sad, Naina knows that she shouldn't be thinking about her child anymore but sometimes it's hard to control your mind right?

Naina walked back to her father's grave. Naina had promised herself and father Matthew to never go after her child's whereabouts but today she doesn't not know what made her ask father about her child. Probably because she is older and more stable in her life now and she knows she could take care of her child but she was the one who gave her up before.Very soon after praying in front of her father's grave for some time, Naina went back home alongside her mother and grandma.Then as the days went by, Naina found thoughts returning to the morning of the tour. And dwelling on glimpses of the tall figure who appeared to be very kind that day.'You're a fool to even be thinking about him' Naina told herself. 'He is never going to be interested in a girl from your background. In any case, what would be the point with the way things were?' Naina thought with bitterness of the shameful incident which had scarred her life. Why couldn't her life have been straightforward, like Neria's? (Neria is Naina's best friend and her brother's wife). Unfortunately not everyone is fortunate enough to lead a peaceful and simple life, Naina reminded herself.

Sometimes all Naina wished for is someone to wrap her into a hug and tell her that everything's okay but no one's able to do that because only she is aware of her bitter past other than Fr Matthew.

Here comes the second chapter !

Looks like Naina's past is affecting her present life. Will she be able to overcome it all ?

Who might help her in this journey?

How may have Father Mathew helped Naina?

Do vote and comment ! It'll mean a lot to me and motivate to update quicker.
Hope your all liking my new story.

This chapter isn't edited. Ignore any mistakes

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