Chapter 8

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Hello everyone I am back after a short break! You may find this chapter a bit boring. I promise the upcoming chapters will be more interesting. This chapter has not been edited so bear with me for any mistakes.

Thanks to all those who have not given up on me!

Two months later, Naina's POV

"How about the children officially becoming engaged on Rishi's 32nd birthday," Rishi's father, Nikhil Pa, suggested.

This ignited a fire in me. I started to panic.I had to decide what I was going to do before the events overtook me, things were starting to get out of hand. If I were to tell Rishi about my child, then it must be before any official announcement.

What do you say, Naina? Shall we go and get the ring next week for the engagement? " Rishi asked me. My parents, Rishi's parents, came together today at my house to discuss our marriage.

"I just can't believe it's all happening." I muttered quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. Rishi was sitting just opposite me; he looked so handsome in his jeans and t-shirt today. Like Rishi, my feelings towards him are also mutual. How can I risk losing him?

That night, I struggled again with my problem in the privacy of my bedroom, and this time, before I drifted into an exhausted sleep, I finally came to a decision. The logical step was to find out whether I really had a choice whether to tell Rishi or not-and for that I needed medical advice too, anonymously. But from where?...

                              . . . . . . .

"Good morning. Would it be possible for me to see the doctor, please?" Glancing up, the receptionist frowned at me.

Have you got an appointment? We were very busy this morning, Mrs...'' She looked doubtfully as there were no signs of anything to symbolise that I was married.

"Are you married, mam?" the receptionist asked me doubtfully, as if I had just committed a crime.

"No, but I am getting married soon. I didn't realise I had to make an appointment. I've travelled all the way, especially for the day, "I pleaded to the lady. "It's just that I need some medical advice."

The lady still displayed an expression that was hard to explain, making me feel uncomfortable. Why can't single women visit gynaecologists or family planning clinics without being judged? Why does marriage only make it socially acceptable for women to visit these sorts of places?

Oh, I see. You do understand that we don't prescribe contraceptives for single women, not unless you can provide proof that you are getting married. I nodded, even though a fire had just ignited inside me. "Well, I suppose an appointment is not strictly necessary as you've travelled this far." She ran her finger down the list of appointments and then said, "If you don't mind waiting, I'll see if I can fit you in at the end of the day."

"Thank you." With a sense of relief, I went back to the shabby waiting room and sat on one of the hard wooden chairs. Slowly, I glanced around at the other women who were also waiting for their respective appointments. No one spoke. Most appeared to be in their late twenties or early thirties, and sat with an air of weary resignation, their faces as drab as the grey walls. I looked at them, wondering whether they had a brood of kids at home and were desperate to avoid adding to their number.

"Could you fill in this form please?" I looked up to see the receptionist holding out a white form.

"Yes, of course," I replied. When I read the printed boxes, I began to panic awfully as they wanted to know an awful lot about me.

"I can assure you that we maintain complete confidentiality." The receptionist smiled in encouragement. I swallowed nervously, then began to fill in the details.

As the day passed, I waited with increasing trepidation as the other women were seen, rehearsing what I would say when I saw the doctor. I didn't even know if I could get the words out. I dreaded having to dredge up the whole hateful, shameful episode. How would I be able to sit in a room in broad daylight and confess that I had been a victim of rape? Fiercely, I blanked out threatening images of that long-ago scene of fear and horror. And then, what would I do if the doctor wasn't able to reassure me? My whole life, my chance to love and be loved, my happiness would all depend on the doctor's verdict.

Why did I rush and inform Rishi of my confirmation for this marriage? I should have waited!

Then, at last, my name was called and, taking a deep breath, I walked along the natural corridor and paused outside a teak door bearing the nameplate "Dr Jaya Sharma."

"Come in," she said in response to my tentative knock, and I found myself in the presence of a thin, grey-haired woman, her brisk demeanour and clinical white coat tempered by kindly black eyes. She finished writing on a notepad, put down her pen, and sat back.

"What can I do for you, my dear?"

"It's a little difficult to explain," I began.

Just take your time and start from the beginning. She waited.

I looked at a point behind the dr, moistened my suddenly dry mouth, and launched into my explanation. "A few years back, I was raped and became pregnant. I have never told anyone about this as I went to another city to have the baby. The baby was very soon adopted.
Since that time, I've never bothered much with men, but now I've met someone and am hoping to get married. I haven't told him anything about this
so far. "
"What I mean is, would he be able to tell anyway?"

Jaya looked at me searchingly. "Have you had sexual intercourse since the rape?"


Well, then I will have a quick look at you. "Slip of your pants behind that screen, get on the bed, and I will be with you in a minute," Dr. Jaya said. Slowly, I undressed, placed my clothes on a chair and climbed onto the narrow but high bed. I laid flat on my back, trying to control my nerves as much as possible. Nervous apprehension was almost choking me. Slowly, I turned my head to the side and muttered a silent prayer.

Dr Jaya was very professional. Her exmaintaion was extremely gentle and thorough. Once Dr Jaya was finished, she asked me to get dressed and come through.

Once I was ready, I nervously faced Dr. Jaya across the large, cluttered desk

"You are very lucky." Dr Jaya said assuring.  I suppose that by giving birth at such a young age, you have avoided the major stretch marks that I would have expected to see. If I'm honest, I don't think your future husband would find anything suspicious. Of course, a doctor will be able to find out through an internal examination. However, it wouldn't be foreign during normal marital relationships. "

"But would he know I wasn't a virgin?" I asked Dr Jaya anxiously. Of course, I am aware that we are living in the 21st century and a young independent woman of my sort should never ask a silly question as such, but for some reason, I couldn't refrain myself from asking Dr Jaya this.

"Don't worry, Naina. Nowadays, young girls lead such active lives, taking part in sports and wearing internal sanitary protection, that their hymens tear naturally. So, no, I don't think you have anything to worry about. " My overwhelming relief must have shown as blurred tears of joy as the doctor leaned forward with compassion. "Look Naina, I know this is a difficult situation, but in my professional experience, rape is a subject very few people can handle. Coupled with an illegitimate child, don't you think you are asking a lot of this young man? What happened was in the past, long before you've met him. Take my advice and leave it now."


Authors POV

That night, Naina stared into the darkness, wrestling with her conscience.Was it terribly wrong to avoid hurting someone you loved?

Surely the burden was hers to carry? Not for Rishi to carry! Eventually, as the dawn light filtered through the curtains, Naina prayed for forgiveness, knowing that she had finally come to a decision.

Naina would keep her secret to herself.

Is Naina in the wrong for doing this?

Should she tell Rishi the secret?

Let me know what you think of this chapters in comments. Would love to read all your opinions ♥️

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