Chapter 5

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Author's POV......

Just when Naina got up to leave, Aditi (Rishi's sister) entered the scene munching on some snacks.

Aditi's eyes widened seeing Naina.

"This is the girl Rishi likes," Aditi blurted out...

"Oh, so you are Rishi's lady love!! Ma, when Rishi and I went to Karthika's wedding reception we saw this girl there and Rishi was flirting with her. When I confronted him, he said he liked her! I did tell you two, don't you remember?" Aditi asked oblivious to her surroundings.

Naina has never felt this embarrassed in her life! Naina did feel as if Rishi had feelings for her but never took it seriously! Aditi's revelation was definitely a shock and equally embarrassing. For a second Naina wished she never came here.

Naina wanted to dig a hole and hide in there...

"Naina, my sister is just an idiot. She doesn't know when and where to say things. You may leave now." Dev said and helped Naina escape the situation!
Just when Naina left, Ananya scolded Aditi. "Aditi, you have no manners! Why did you blurt out such things in front of that girl... imagine how embarrassed she may have felt."
"I agree with Mum. It's great that Rishi's finally developing feelings for a girl but it is Rishi who is supposed to tell that to Naina, not you" Dev added.
"Ma, would you like Naina as your daughter-in-law?" Aditi once again blurted out.
"Of course I do. Why would I not like such a bold, independent and beautiful young girl?" Ananya replied.
"I meant as your daughter-in-law?" she repeated just to confirm what she heard.
"Well, I like Naina, I think she will be a great match for Rishi and his personality but I don't think they like each other anymore after today anyway" Ananya said in dismay.
. . . . .

The sky above was full of thunderous, dark and ragged clouds. In the darkness of her room, Naina opened her eyes and wondered if it was early in the morning or still midnight. Naina looked at the digital alarm clock right next to her on the bedside table. It showed at 6:30 in the morning. Naina yawned and sat up on the bed to get ready for work and that's when it hit her that she was fired yesterday!

No hurry, No rush. She thought, sighing.

Yesterday was a weird day! Naina thought to herself as so much has happened. She got fired, out of rage she visits Rishi's house and learns that he has feelings for her but would that be true? Naina wondered. If he had feelings for her, why would he react in this way? Would he fire her? Thinking about all this, Naina got out of bed and peered out over the balcony. The scent of rain still hung in the air but the sky was filled with bright colours squeezing through the clouds. Suddenly a roll of thunder growled threateningly, all the colours faded rapidly. Within a few seconds, the sky was painted with dark clouds...

Naina then went closer to the bed and sat on the edge of it, picking her phone up. The first thing Naina saw when she opened her phone was 5 missed calls from Rishi. As her phone was on silent, she did not hear it. Strange, she thought. 'Why did he call me that too at night? Is he angry because I complained about him to his mother? Should I ring him back? No, why should I ring that idiot back?' She decided not to call him as he's not her boss anymore.

After Naina's morning routine, she went downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. Yesterday, when Naina informed her Mom and grandma that she was fired, neither of them were pleased. In fact, they scolded Naina as much as they could. It was after working in Rishi's company that they started having three meals a day! So how would they not get angry?

"Good morning ma!!" Naina greeted her mother when she went downstairs. "Good Morning Naina. I've made upma today. Do you want some?" Naina's mom asked her.
"Sure. Where is grandma?" Naina asked her mom.
"Grandma went to church for the early morning mass!" Naina's mum replied. Naina hummed in response and finished her breakfast quietly. After breakfast, Naina's mom asked Naina about her plans for the future and luckily, the doorbell rang. Naina mentally thanked God and rushed to open it, avoiding mum's question.

Naina went to open the door only to find MR RISHI NIKHIL VARMA!! He didn't come alone. Naina's grandma was with him. Naina smiled and looked at them both puzzled as she did not get how grandma came with Rishi.
For a change, Rishi was dressed casually.

"You might be confused about why I am with your grandma. Well, I saw her on the way to your house. I recognised her from a picture you posted on Instagram. When I told her that I was your boss, she agreed to come with me. Your grandma is such a sweet lady, I have to say!" Rishi cleared the air.

"Come in, Rishi", Grandma welcomed Rishi in their house, a tiny but beautiful house. Naina got annoyed with grandma. Why is she showing good hospitality to a person who fired me?
"Reena, this is Rishi. Naina's boss" Grandma said to Naina's mum.

"I am not anyone's employee at the moment! So he's my ex-boss" Naina murmured. Rishi grinned and excused himself for a second and went outside. Making good use of that time, Naina scolded her grandmother for coming home with him. Within a couple of seconds, Rishi came back to the house with a big bunch of flowers. Naina knitted her eyebrows in confusion when she saw that. "Please accept this Naina" Rishi said, very politely and held out the bunch of flowers to Naina. "No Sir, I am sorry! My pride will not allow me to", Naina replied.
"I can understand Naina. Actually I came here for two things. The first one is to apologise to you. I am sorry for lashing out at you yesterday. I am extremely sorry. I should have clarified my side before doing such things.
All my support goes to the victim but shouldn't the real culprit go behind bars? The act was done by the victim's step-father who is Priyanka Arora's husband's brother. Her husband only tried to save that young girl. Cunningly, he shifted the blame towards Priyanka's husband. The girl gave her statement today and thankfully her step father is under arrest. I am pretty close to her and her husband. Therefore, I was aware of this. That is why I instructed you to not publish the news. Even though I said that, I have not fired you. You are still my employee. Sorry for not making you understand the situation, Naina..." Rishi said.
Naina did not know what to say. After that tragedy which happened in her life, she never had a second thought when doing things like this which is why Naina reacted that way as well. After a long pause, Naina managed to say "I am sorry as well sir. I should have listened to you".

"It is fine, Naina. I can understand, yesterday's incident only increased my admiration for you. You proved that you're a very strong girl. Actually, after your visit to my home, my family is extremely fond of you as well, especially my Mom. Which is why, I've decided to open up something that I have had in my mind for a long time". He now turned to her mom and grandma and said something which made their jaws fall, "Grandma and Ms. Reena, with your blessings, I am coming directly to the point. I want to marry your daughter, Naina"

So Rishi has asked Naina's hand for marriage. How might Naina react ? Will she accept ?

Will Rishi's and Naina's family accept this marriage?

Opinion on Aditi and Dev ?

How was Naina and Rishi in this chapter ?

Thank you for reading ! 📚

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