Chapter 4

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Author's POV....

Just like that, months passed and the equation between Naina and Rishi only got better. More than a boss and employee, they turned out to be good friends. However, it all changed one day when Rishi called Naina into his office.

"Miss Naina, come to my office immediately," Rishi said, placing the receiver down in anger.
Rishi's tone indicated to Naina that something wasn't right, it is not often Mr Rishi Nikhil Varma loses his cool.

"Oh shit. I forgot to hand in the report yesterday, maybe that's why sir is angry" Naina muttered to herself and picked up the report she had printed yesterday itself.

"May I come in sir?" Naina said quietly but loud enough for Rishi to hear.

"Come in," Rishi replied bluntly.

Slowly Naina tip-toed towards Rishi.

His desk was neatly arranged; she clutched the report to her chest. Despite her attempt to not make any noise, Naina's heels made sound on the marble floor. Awkwardly Naina stood around for a while but Rishi's eyes were glued onto the computer screen.

Is he stupid or acting stupid? Why is he making me wait like this?

Naina gently coughed to get his attention in which she succeeded.
Rishi looked up from his screen and gave Naina a death glare.

"Sir, may I know why you called me? Is there anything important?" Naina asked him casually, ignoring his expression. "Are you looking for this report sir? Sorry I had forgotten to hand it in yesterday" Naina asked Rishi pointing at the annual report.

"Miss Naina, aren't you in charge of monitoring every news before it goes on air?" Rishi asked in an authoritative tone.

"Yes I am..."

"Why did you give permission to air Priyanka Arora's husband's arrest?" Rishi roared at Naina "It was not for the public to know. No other news channels have aired it! Haven't I told you to inform me before airing any news that is risky or that you are not sure of? I never expected this from you Naina" he said to her, controlling his anger.

Slowly, Naina gulped and tightened the hold on the report even more and wiped the sweat on her forehead and temples with her palm. He then walks towards Naina. Naina could hear it and feel it! "Sir, he assaulted a young girl, the public needs to know his real face. Millions of people are admiring him not knowing his real face. It is important that society finds out." Naina said with the very little courage she had.

"Enough!" Before Naina could complete her sentence Rishi stopped her.

"Withdraw the news immediately!" Rishi commanded.

"I am sorry, I will not..."

"YOU ARE FIRED" Rishi said firmly before Naina could complete her sentence.

"Great, thanks!" Naina said sarcastically.

"Leave my office immediately. Your pending salary will be in your account in 24 hours. Thank you for your service" Rishi said and started making phone calls to the team to withdraw the news. Naina shot a death glare at Rishi and stormed out of his office angrily. She didn't forget to throw the report she had been clutching tightly onto his desk before leaving. Rishi frowned seeing what she just did. Naina was literally fuming. Naina immediately went to her desk, picked up her things and left the office without even informing Amaya.

Straightaway Naina went to the nearby park to calm herself. She was annoyed, irritated and most importantly shocked. Ever since those incidents which occurred during the wedding reception Rishi's and Naina's bond had changed massively, since then Rishi treated Naina more like his friend increasing her attraction towards him. Rishi lashing out at Naina just changed her whole perspective on Rishi.

"Rich people are all cowards! Will they support this if the assault happened to their mother, sister or anyone close to them?" Naina asked herself. The trauma when someone raped her that day was still haunting her... If she had known who that idiot was Naina would have shot him by now! His masked face and wicked eyes, she couldn't forget it. Ever. Since then hearing stories about rape boiled Naina's blood. Mainly because of how powerless she is and how she cannot do something to bring justice to those sufferings. Naina does not want anyone to suffer the way she suffered in her life...

After weighing the pros and cons, Naina decided to pay the Varma Household a visit and give them a piece of her mind. Naina being Naina couldn't just sit still. After all, she's a daughter of an Army Personnel.

Within half an hour, Naina reached Rishi Varma's mansion. She wasn't sure if he resided here but she was sure that his parents and siblings lived here. Firstly the security was adamant to let Naina in but when she showed him her work ID, the security eventually let Naina in though reluctantly.

A middle aged lady probably in her 40's opened the door when Naina rang the doorbell. Rishi's mother Ananya greeted Naina warmly. She knew Naina was Rishi's employee from seeing her ID card and Ananya noted Naina's name from the name badge in her hand.

"Please come in" Ananya said and sat Naina in a couch nearby

"What is the reason for your visit my dear?" Ananya asked Naina politely.

"Am I speaking to Rishi sir's mother?" Naina asked to clear her confusion on who the lady was and to that Ananya nodded. Suddenly Devdutt, Rishi's brother entered the scene and after he greeted Ananya he looked at the young pretty girl sitting next to his mother in confusion.

"Hello Ma, who is this?" Dev asked her

"This young girl works in Rishi's office Dev. She wants to convey some matter to us. Please tell me Naina" Ananya asked Naina.

Naina assumed Dev to be Rishi's brother...

"Actually Madam, your son fired me from his office today" Naina said, without hesitation.

"Oh! Why is that, Naina?" Ananya asked softly.

"For questioning injustice" Ananya and Dev looked at each other, widening their eyes. Dev became curious to hear more so he encouraged her to explain the matter.

Naina did feel nervous but she decided to go ahead. "I am in charge of examining every single piece of news before it goes on air. Sir confronted me for airing Priyanka Arora's husband's assault against a young girl's case. He asked me to withdraw the news and I said I will do no such thing as people need to know about these cruel culprits and he fired me" Naina said. Somehow Naina felt relieved after telling Ananya and Dev everything. It was the smallest thing she could do even though she knew all rich people are snobs.

Ananya patted on Naina's shoulder "I will talk to Rishi my dear. I am sure he will understand when I talk to him".

"Ma, I don't see what is wrong with airing that piece of information. It will get leaked somehow and Ma, as people with some degree of power, we have a sense of responsibility. Naina don't worry I will speak to Rishi and he will reappoint you" Dev assured Naina. 'What a gentleman' Naina thought to herself in her mind.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it but I do not want to take up that job anymore. As an individual with some degree of power, Rishi sir should have dealt with the matter a bit more maturely. There is plenty of evidence against Priyanka Arora's husband. He might come out of the case very soon. However, reporting this incident is the smallest of smallest thing we can do to help the poor victim. The victim is not even 18 and she is on life support just because of him. To top it all up, he threw acid on her face as well and it is not right. He destroyed her completely! If she ever comes back to life, the trauma will not leave her. It will haunt her for the rest of her life. Meanwhile he will be living happily after destroying a poor girl and her family completely. I only wanted to throw his mask away" Naina was nearly in tears when she finished talking about that young girl, Ananya comforted Naina whilst Dev watched her helplessly...

Just when Naina got up to leave, Aditi (Rishi's sister) entered the scene munching on some snacks.

Aditi's eyes widened seeing Naina.

"This is the girl Rishi likes," Aditi blurted out, leaving everyone shocked.

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