Chapter 28 : Help Comes Too Late

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Vague images, a light too bright. Dark figures in white, faces obscured by masks.

A cold, hateful voice: "don't bother with the anesthetics."

I gasp, sitting up in my bed. Glancing around, only to see nothing but white.

It was a dream. Just a dream.

...This time.

In retrospect, "Hello sweetie, did you miss me?" Was probably not the wisest thing for my half-drugged-up brain to say to a lady whom I shot in the leg.

I sigh.

The Doctor still hasn't come.

I stare at nothing and everything.

I don't have anything to do.

The last operation was days ago.... Now they're basically just keeping me like some sort of caged pet.

Blocked regeneration, blocked all non-human abilities... Stopped or removed all nonhuman organs.

I heard one surgeon say it was a miracle I was even still alive.

Miracles. I could use some more of those right about now....

I've been praying, well, not coherently. Not when it matters. But it's one thing to keep busy with. 

Thinking on this, I clasp my hands together...for the millionth time, "Lord, Please, please help me in this—"


I peek one eye open.

No way.

Absolutely no way.

I look up at the ceiling, "are you kidding me right now??" I whisper.

"Pst! Faith! Faith! Come on!" Tern pokes his head into the cell. "We don't have much time!"

"Thank you Lord...!" I breathe, lifting one hand in the air as I hop off the bed, my other hand wrapping around my sore stomach as I pad towards Tern on wobbly bare feet. "Finally, some good luck around here!"

Tern's face pales in worry as he sees me, "Oh my god, you look terrible— Here!" he slings my arm around his neck, taking on most of my weight.

"Really? And here I thought I was doing pretty darn good." I laugh, only to groan, "I'd like to see how you look after someone goes poking around your innards."

Tern winces, "I really am sorry. I didn't know."

I glance over at him, "I told you not to tell anyone for a reason."

"Yeah, well, you have to admit that what you said sounded suspicious." Tern grumbles.

I wince, "yeah, That was on me. I totally didn't think that through. Sorry."

"No worries. We both messed up." He hands me my phone, and I smile gratefully. I thought it was lost forever.

"Where are we going?"

"Kiara sent out an encoded message. Got a response. So we're taking you to them."


"What? Oh, a Captain Harkness, and River Song."

I sigh in relief... only to groan when an alarm starts to blare, "Of course it couldn't be that easy."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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