Chapter 8 : Saving Evangelista

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Wiping at my eyes again with a sniffle, I try to get my breathing back under control "sorry, this really isn't the time for this" I start to get up when the Doctor grabs my hand causing me to turn back.

He hesitates for a second before starting "do... Have you met me-"

-Beeep beeep- What sounds like a phone on hold starts up and I look away to find the source of the sound. I don't remember that...

"that was me. Trying to get through into the security protocols. I seem to have set something off. What is that? Is that an alarm?"

Oh. He is literally calling Cal. I really wish I watched these episodes more then once.

"Doctor." Donna tries to grab his attention, "Doctor that sounds like-" she stops when she sees me, face going stormy. I self consciously wipe at my eyes again. "wait, oi! What'd you do to Faith!" She storms over, surprising me with a protective hug. I assume, glaring daggers at the Doctor and River. However, His eyes are still on me and my surprised face.

I can't read any further into his expression, because Donna turns me around eyes searching and full of sympathy. "You all right sweetheart? What did that bad spaceman do now?"

"What? I haven't done anything!" The Doctor defends himself

"Of course you have! She's been crying!" Donna snaps back.

I try for a smile but I think it falls a little flat "its nothing, he really hasn't done anything."

She gives me a look that clearly says she expects answers later, giving me one final squeeze and pulls back

Flustered I back up a few steps awkward smile firmly in place now. I'm not gonna cry again. Not Happening.

The ringing is still going on and I use that as a distraction "I'm really fine. We should focus on the phone ringing right now."

Donna seems about to protest but the Doctor nods, clapping his hands together "right. Let's get to it then!" He smiles as he passes me but it seems strained

A hand lands on my shoulder and I jump turning to find River "are you sure you're alright?"

We slowly walk to where the Doctor is standing, I laugh but there's no humor "I really don't know. I feel like I shouldn't be here to be honest."

"Welk none of us 'should be here' Darling" giving my side a playful nudge "that's what makes it fun"

"Yeah.. I guess you're right." No. That's not what I mean. All of them at least have some experience. Maybe not with the monsters the Doctor faces, but they at least knew of the dangers when they decided to come to The Library. I've got a less then 20 minute talk with a Weeping Angel, who doesn't even count because he turned out to be nice.

Coming up behind the Doctor, I peek around the others who are all gathered around him.

The screen beeps, bringing up an 'access denied' message. "Okay, doesn't like that. Let's try something else." He mumbles, getting right back to typing.

A minute or so later he finally gets it "Okay! Here is comes!" He yells out, the screen static's for a few seconds, flashing to a confused little girl's face staring back out at us, a coffee table covered in art supplies just visible behind her.

"Hello?" The Doctor greets, obviously confused. I decide to join him, Cal is such a cutie! "Hi again!" I wave with a smile.

"Hello... Are you in my television?" I laugh a little at that. "Not exactly, more like a video call. You didn't answer the phone fast enough." I grin goodnaturedlyly. Trying to put her at ease. Who knew coaching kids in gymnastics would come in handy like this.

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