Chapter 10 : Hanging Out

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We're back to running again, down corridor after corridor, twisting around corners and diving down stairs only to climb another set seconds later. Never once stopping. All the while the Doctor never drops my hand nor lets me fall behind, even going so far as supporting my weight when I trip over my own feet.

...Which I do a couple times.

We race around a corner and I'm nearly blinded by the sudden wave of brilliant orange stained light filtering through the large tunnel like windows of a connecting bridge. I only have time for a quick glance, seeing the two towers we're in between and the vast cityscape I had admired earlier.

Along with a low hanging sun.

Its beautiful...

but as in older times, it also marks our clock.

And time is quickly running out.

Running without stop, right through the tunnel and into the middle of the round room beyond, back through another tunnel bridge on the other side. At the end of it the Doctor drops my hand, pushing me into River as he waves the rest through.

I look up at him in question, breathing too hard to ask why he's stopped.

"Professor, take Faith and go ahead. Find a safe spot." He then points sternly at me "You stay with her."

"It's a carnivorous swarm in a suit. You can't reason with it!" River snaps at him with incredulous impatience.

The Doctor isn't gonna listen.

"Five minutes." He quickly negotiates.

River huffs a breath, "Other Dave, stay with him. Pull him out when he's too stupid to live. Two minutes, Doctor." I look over to Dave and notice something the others apparently don't. she turns to me, snapping my attention back, her hand landing on my shoulder "Faith, stay right behind me."

I give her a hesitant nod and she runs off with me behind her...

only for me to slow to a stop and turn back.

Dave has two shadows...

I run back to the bridge, and stand a little bit behind Other Dave, keeping an eye on his double shadows.

"These... are...our... forests." The other suit speaks and goosebumps prickle down my arms.

"You're not in a forest, you're in a library." The Doctor starts to explain like he's talking to a child "There are no trees in a-" he pauses a second as it hits him "....library."

The second shadow disappears and Other Dave jerks violently. The shadows eating him alive. I use the distraction to run to the Doctor's side jumping the spot where the second shadow was. Not even wanting to touch the empty space where it was.

This was a very very Very bad idea.

Why am I running towards the danger? The Doctor turns out fine! Why the heck am I here instead of in relative safety with River!?

Answer; I'm an Idiot.

"We should go. Doctor!"

"Books. You came in the books. Microspores in a million, million books..."

I dash to his side, using his arm to pull myself to a stop, he's looking out the window but slowly brings his gaze back to me.


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