Chapter 24 : a Little at a Time

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"So, what are we going to do?" I ask after Gwyneth has been moved to the couch to rest, my face serious and not a smile in sight.

Rose, the Doctor and I are using the parlor as an impromptu meeting room away from the others. Unfortunately, the Doctor won't stop pacing.  Rose is also hovering so that I'm the only one sitting down, not willing to spend the extra energy.

"We'll help them, obviously," the Doctor says with a roll of his eyes. I rub the bridge of my nose, building up my shields just that bit more to keep out the ever-vigilant Gelth.

"But we can't!" Rose immediately argues.

"And why not?" the Doctor asks, turning on her.

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Would you both calm down for a second and take your emotions out of this?"

"I'm not being emotional!"

"That's right!"

Switching to massaging my temple, I give them both an unimpressed look, "Is that so, really?" First, I turn to the Doctor, "So the mention of the Time War didn't fill you with guilt?" He turns away, glaring at a wall, "And the mention of them using corpses didn't make you feel defiled in any way?"

"That— no! It has— it's not about me!" Rose sputters.

Really, I hate playing the Devil's advocate, but in this case it's kind of necessary. "I can either empathize with everyone, or I can look at the facts and information," I try to explain. "I can't do both at once, and you two are holding your own biases. I do, too; everyone does," I shrug at the affronted looks they both send my way, pushing the bubble of guilt down for the time being. "So far, what I'm seeing is a group who immediately brought up something that would probably be a sore spot for any of 'the higher species' as they put it. That's pretty basic manipulation. Point two is that they aren't giving us any precise information. How many are they? 'So few'? How many are so few?" I point to Rose and she starts at the sudden attention, "Rose, say I have... twelve cookies, how many would 'a few' be?"

"Um... two or three?" she answers with a shrug.

"Ok," I nod, turning to the Doctor, who scoffs in annoyance.

"Faith this is pointless. We've got to help them now," he grumbles, and I point at him.

"That's point three. For now, answer this question; if I had over a thousand pennies, how many would 'a few' be then?"

He shrugs, grudgingly answering, "I don't know, a couple hundred. I don't see—" he cuts himself off as it clicks, "Oh. OH!"

"Yeah, exactly," I nod, glad that we're getting on the same page. "In that case, even if we could potentially gather up that many corpses—"

"There's no way there'd be enough and they'd start to kill for the rest," the Doctor finishes for me.

"Exactly," I nod.

"But that doesn't change the fact that we can't use dead bodies," Rose cuts in, earning a frustrated look from the Doctor.

Instead, I cut in to defuse the situation before he can go off on her, nodding in acquiescence, "I get where you're coming from, I do, and even if using the corpses wasn't morally compromising, having their loved ones see the people they used to know walking around as someone else would be painful. From what I understand, it's temporary, right?" I glance at the Doctor and he nods.

"She's right. I'd take them in the Tardis to someplace where they have the technology to make them proper bodies, and then I'd return the dead for a proper burial."

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