Chapter 15 : Awkward First Impressions

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The Tardis is different.

The same, but different. Before, I felt motherly amusement and a friendly acceptance.

All I feel now is wary curiosity.

She doesn't know me.

Maybe this is a mistake...

Her golden tendrils push in at my consciousness before I can consider leaving. She's much more forward then before too.

Physically flinching back at the feeling, I feel a rush of surprise that's not my own, that almost overwhelms me; before it's dampening down to a bearable level. Realizing this, I receive an apologetic hum and a much lighter nudge at the boundary of my mind, asking for permission.

Slowly, I step closer, till I'm right in front of her. Closing my eyes and-like before, clumsily opening my mental doors. Letting the invisible wisps of gold poke and prod at my psyche. Having memories replay in flickers too fast to comprehend as she flips through them like a book. I just know she's judging me: past, present and future.

I can only hope that it's in a positive light from how she acts in the future. I'd hate having her prank me like she does Clara.

Expertly, she weaves together the paths her older self established, reconnecting severed strands with stronger bonds. Feeling her way around, and humming soothing emotions into the back of my head as she senses my muscles starting to tense up at the feeling.

It's like seaweed brushing against you when you're swimming. Like Having someone whisper in your ear. Or having an animal climbing on your shoulder... It's not a negative thing but it's not exactly comfortable either.

Once everything is... 'set up,' I guess. She retreats back into her room- and from there connects back to her own much larger self with a satisfied hum; Still there but easily ignored if I don't search her out.

Hearing a creak, I blink back into the here and now.

She's opened her door.

"The Doctor isn't inside, is he?" I ask aloud, biting my lip. Somehow, meeting the Doctor for his first time is a very intimidating thought- especially having it with a mad Doctor who wants to know how the heck I got in his Tardis without a key. I've seen enough fanfiction to know how that goes.

The Tardis doesn't help any either, just opening her door a little wider.

Great... thanks Sexy.

Not getting a reply to my sarcastic quip, I poke my head in the door- just as big and awe inspiring as last time- a slightly different desktop? Still, not that far off from Ten's.

And best of all: no Doctor in sight.

Stepping inside, that feeling of wholeness returns. -though maybe that has something to do with the Symbiotic-whateveritwas the Doctor mentioned before.

Running my hand along the railing, I make an admiring loop around the console before stopping in my tracks. What did I come in here for again?

It was something... something I needed to get....

Phone! That's it!

Ah. But wait, this is younger her so there's no way-

Behind me there's a loud ding and I turn around, seeing a slot with a flashing light above it...

Inside, my phone.

I stare at it.

The Tardis does the equivalent of fidgeting at the edge of my mind.

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