Chapter 22 : a Writer and a Wight

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It didn't take me long to direct Rose to her room, the Tardis being kind enough to give me directions.

Marked by her name and an engraving of a Rose, her room is gorgeous, all different shades of pink, and fit for a princess...she told me that it's like her dream room.

Which, knowing the Tardis, is not all that surprising.

Then she wants to see mine, so we go down the hallway a bit farther, till my door appears.  Unlike the first time I saw the door, the Gallifreyan is gone.

I noticed that whenever I'm with anybody else—as rare as that was before Rose got here— the Tardis would change the writing, but when I'm alone it's always the complicatedly beautiful Gallifreyan script.

Actually, she often changes everything about the room entirely, changing it to suit my mood and needs, along with my tastes. Though, a cozy room with hanging plants, lanterns and fairy lights has made an appearance several times.

Otherwise, she just seems to enjoy the chance to change things up and decorate; I'm guessing most tenants don't give her nearly as much creative leeway.

This time the door simply reads 'Faith' in English. I brace myself for whatever we're about to find as I open it, raising my eyebrows as Rose gasps in delight.

Looking around, I sigh at the ceiling in fond exasperation. The room inside is just as elegant, if not more so, than Rose's. Wooden furniture, white walls, a large bed piled high with pillows underneath a deep red canopy, a reading corner more decked out than ever, and a lavish carpet spread on dark wooden floorboards. Everything is overly grand.

It's all a bit much, to be honest.

"She's showing off," I state, leaning against the doorframe while Rose explores the large space. "I don't have a 'dream bedroom,'" I explain with a shrug, "so she just changes it up every day. This is actually the most extravagant she's gotten with it," I say, giving the ceiling an amused look and crossing my arms. The Tardis huffs right back at me in some approximation of 'you like it as much as I do!' And 'I'm definitely not showing off!'

"What, so the ship's alive?" Rose asks, turning in the middle of the room. "It's not just some—I don't know, programming?"

Nodding, I head into the room for a better look, as well, "Yeah, she's alive. Though I only get vague feelings from her. I sort of just have to translate that into what I think she's trying to get at." Remembering how Rose took the Tardis's 'getting in her mind' thing earlier, I tap my chin in thought before adding, "She's very nice though, so if you have any problems, just ask and I'm sure she'll be happy to help."

As I watch, Rose looks blankly around the room, then at the ceiling, "You know what? I'm just going to go relax in my room for a bit. I think I just reached the limit on how much alien I can take in for one day. I'll see you later."

With that, she heads back to her own room, leaving me to go freshen up and spend a few hours relaxing before bed.


The Doctor sees his companions off before starting to sort out Faith's phone. How on earth had he missed the fact that she isn't from 2005?

He's not quite sure, actually. Usually he's pretty fantastic at figuring that kind of thing out.

Though he won't lie, the fact that Faith didn't trust him with that information after traveling with him for as long as she has, does sting. Not that he deserves any better, after how he treated her.

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