Chapter 17 : Divergencies

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Hand in hand, the Doctor and Rose run across Westminster Bridge, grinning like maniacs.

The two only slowing down once Rose starts to lose her breath; but by then, they're almost at the Eye. The Doctor having to remind himself that Rose is only human, changing his pace to match hers once he notices the difference. It's been so long since he's ran with humans. He'll have to get used to again, human physiology. Can't run nearly as fast as he's been doing.

Worth it though. Having someone to show the universe to.... It's been ages since he's had a companion- not that she is one. No. He can't think like she's a companion. That time is dead and gone.

As Rose catches her breath, the Doctor falls into lecture mode, both of them looking around for anything out of the ordinary, "Think of it, plastic all over the world. Every artificial thing waiting to come alive: The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables-

-The breast implants..." Rose cuts in, still breathing hard from the run.

"-Still, we've found the transmitter." He says, ignoring the odd comment and looking around, The Eye looming over them.

Fantastic little human mind. Finding that, even when he missed it.

Once they got over their little tiff, anyway. Fiery temper on this one- he did forget her boyfriend though. Bad on him, that. "The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath..." his words trail off, Rose running to the concrete railing that separates them from the River Thames, hoisting herself up to look over the edge.

The Doctor however, doesn't notice this, looking off in the other direction as he is, too deep in his own thoughts to notice her absence. He could take her for a spin- just as an apology, that is. Definitely not getting another companion. Don't deserve another one of those. She wouldn't want to come anyw-

"What about down here?" Rose yells back over her shoulder, the Doctor leaving his contemplations and rushing over. Easily peering over the concrete barrier with his extra height, to see an open grate that's leaking orange light and steam out into the nighttime gloom.

Even from here, the Doctor's nose can smell the unnatural acrid burning of chemicals. -A part of his brain already starting to catalogue the individual compositions.

A grin spreads across the Time Lord's face, "looks good to me!" He says over his shoulder, already running to the stairs; the pretty blonde human following behind a second later.

"Wonder why the hatch s' been left open... bit odd, that. Not very secret, is it?" asking this, Rose squats down, peering at the open hole, only briefly glancing up at the Doctor for his reaction.

Nodding in agreement, he circles the open grate, glancing over at Rose when he squats down on the other side, "Yeah...just a bit."Saying this, He Looks down into the steam once more.

...It just screams 'TRAP!' all caps and probably written in red marker.

...Might as well spring it.

Catching Rose's eye, he grins, "Let's head down and see what's there." As he speaks, Rose's own reluctant grin follows, following behind him when he heads down into the steam filled chamber below.

As they descend, the Doctor's shoulder brushes past one of the many chains draped from the ceiling with a rattle, placing a finger to his lips and shushing it when said rattle gets a little too loud for his liking.

Rose having to bite her lip so she doesn't laugh when she catches sight of the childish behavior. No, This is supposed to be serious. They have to be quiet. She can't just laugh.

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