Chapter 12 : Surprise Surprise

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I'm falling.

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I'm falling, but not falling.

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Numbers swirl all around me. An endless string of ones and zeroes that never stop. As they constantly change.

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I try to close my eyes to block them out.

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but I have no body.

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No way to stop the overwhelming cacophony of noise nor the sheer amount of data washing over me like ocean waves.

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The numbers continue to rush past me unhindered.

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My mind moves groggily, slowed down by all the words and knowledge and people I hear chattering incessantly around me. None of it making any sense. And I ignore it all in an effort to hear my own thoughts above the din. Deciding to just drift aimlessly in the tides.

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Where is this place?

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Where am I?

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Who am I?

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What was I doing before this?


It was....

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It was something important, wasn't it?

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What was it again? It was something sad... why was it sad? Why was it important?


Something important....

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The horrible noise dies away. I can think in blessed peace again.

The world lights up with a million colors like an old tv screen and I am falling. Really falling this time. Not like the jumping on a trampoline, light floaty falling feeling of before, no. This is the heavy 'I've just tripped and can't catch myself' type of falling now.

One second I'm a formless ghost, the next, I once again have a body. Arms and legs magically appearing. Gravity reinstates itself and my feet hit ground hard enough that they tingle with pain. I have too much momentum! Stumbling forwards just to stop myself from falling farther and landing on my face, I just barely manage the small feat.

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