Chapter 2 : Alex

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Opening my eyes, I am confused to find myself propped up against a tree...not to mention the foreign scenery and drastic change to a much cooler temperature.

I let out a violent shiver, unsteadily standing and wrapping my arms around myself for warmth. Wherever I am it's definitely not Florida. Thankfully I'm that one 'crazy person' who wears long sleeves on a fairly regular basis... not that that makes me want a jacket any less.

Crouching down, I pick up my bag, checking its contents. Yep, same stuff I had when I left. Water bottle, snack bar, phone, wallet, ocarina, and sketchbook. At least I have all this, wherever I am.

Trying to think logically with the knot of unease slowly growing in my belly, I pull out my phone and dial Mom's contact, holding the device with both slightly shaky hands to my ear.

It's quiet for a moment and I wait for it to ring through, praying that she'll answer.

It doesn't. All that happens is that it's silent for a beat before a click is heard and an automated message starts to play in a feminine voice, "I'm sorry, but the number you have dialed has been disconnected and is no longer in use. For more information-"

Before the lady could even finish, I hang up and try dad's number, both work and home addresses for good measure.

Same results.

My breathing starts to pick up as I panic. I need to get in contact with someone! I need help! Sam, my little brother: "I'm sorry, but this-"

Sha, my English best friend: "I'm sorry, bu-"

Athena, my American best friend: "I'm sorry-"

Any and all of my remaining contacts!


All the same.

Oh God! What am I gonna do??

Walking. I start walking. Walking helps me think. It'll also help me warm up. That's an added bonus.

First off, I need to figure out where I am. My phone doesn't want to connect for more than phone calls so looking it up on the maps app is useless.

Similarly, I need the date. This stupid device is saying that it's only half an hour past the time I went for a walk, even though it's clearly sometime in the morning.

As for how I got here; I'll leave that speculation for another time. Getting home is my top priority.

Seeing a man just coming out of a shop with a newspaper, I take a gamble.

"Excuse me sir?" I send him a friendly apologetic smile as I approach. He looks up from his paper, eyebrows raised as if to ask, "Who, Me?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but can you tell me where I am? I was..." What should I tell him? Definitely not the truth. "Uh..hiking with some friends...and got a little bit lost." I laugh a bit nervously and the man, good naturedly joins in. Speaking up in a, surprisingly to me, English accent.

"That's an understatement if I ever heard one! You're in the middle of nowhere missy; town's called Welchum. Only place smaller than 'ere would be the town next door, Leadworth."

Well shoot.

How the heck did I manage to teleport myself to England??

Meanwhile, as my brain is figuratively imploding in the a space of 3.0826 seconds, I somehow manage to keep a polite, pleasant smile on my face as if nothing's wrong.

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