Chapter 18 : of Truth and Lies

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"You're joking." I more state then ask, eyes studying the Doctor's face; looking for any sign that he's not as serious as he looks.

He stays silent, just watching me. His face set in a guarded mask, then something shifts just slightly and he silently goes to the door, holding it open for me while gesturing with his head that I should look for myself.

Hesitantly I follow him. Only taking a moment to glance up at his unreadable expression again before I'm stepping out of the proffered door.

I only make it a few steps out before the hubbub of the situation surrounds me.

I don't want to be here.

Technically I didn't need to confirm where we are. I knew he was telling the truth. I should have just asked him to take me somewhere else....

I puff out a rush of air and slump back against the Tardis's side; next to her still open door. Ignoring my Time Lord chaperone for the moment.

Focusing instead on my surroundings: The chill of the day, something I haven't been able to get away from, even with time travel- though it beats the heat of the Nestene's lair.

The noise around me is a jumble of sounds and voices, confused murmuring, crying and the general chaos that comes with an unexpected event.

The people, upset and panicked, for the same reasons as above

police already questioning and shouting for order.

all the people around are ignoring me and the odd blue box. All of them wearing clothes that I consider vintage, but are the height of fashion right now.

The air smells slightly different to the other places and times I've been.

Not the smell of England; foliage, rain with cool humidity, and a certain smoke specific to a cold English day.

Not of The Library either, with it's musty old books, metal, dust and almost clinical tinge.

It's the smell of Texas, dust, dry air, and sunshine, all coated in the familiar scent of late autumn... Though not nearly as thick as it would be if we were farther away from the equator. And not smelling nearly as much of cattle and animals as I'd expect... though we are in a city, so that's normal.

The scent is different than how I remember... not anything I can clearly define but definitely different.... Not that I've been to Texas recently enough to be certain. It's been years.

But if I'm right, then is it the time period? Or the different universe?

I haven't been in Texas since I was 17, visiting my grandma...

things were much simpler back then....

Well, besides gran being just as much of a conspiracy nut as my own mom.

I remember hearing about this event from her. The assassination. How they played it on tv over and over and over...

She said the story they attached to the events didn't make any sense, which I agree with, after having heard about them.

Not to mention how horribly gory it all sounded. That alone, put me off doing too much more research into the subject, myself.

Though what do you expect when someone gets shot in the head?

I lean farther against the Tardis, feeling sick. My hand going up to my knotting stomach.

That just happened. Just minutes ago. I was drawing in the console room while a man was shot in the head.

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