Chapter 9 : Of Tempers and Termoil

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Next thing I know I'm being yanked by the hand towards the shop. Barely able to keep my balance. Donna is in the same boat as me; pushed along in front of the Doctor.

We crash into the shop, the Doctor letting go of us to run over to the same controls he used earlier "wa-what are we doing? Are we shopping? -is it a good time to shop?" Ha. good ol Donna. Asking the important questions.

He rounds on us again, "No talking, just moving. Try it," practically shoving us onto the teleport "Right, stand there in the middle." and turning back to the controls. I'm on the far side of Donna so her hight blocks me from view... I jump back off the platform like it'll burn me, Retreating to the door.

"It's a teleport. Stand in the middle. Can't send the others, Tardis won't recognize them." Well it won't recognize me either then. I've never been on her. Actually, how am I hearing English then? Wouldn't they use another language in the future?

"What are you doing?" Donna's looking in my direction, meant the question for me but the Doctor answers since he's still looking down, "Faith was right. you two don't belong here. You don't have a suit. You're not safe." He knows that's not what I meant. I said, 'I. Don't. Belong. In. This. Universe.' Jeez!

"You don't have a suit, so you're in just as much danger as we are and I'm not leaving you!" Donna argues in a near shout as her temper flares...

"Donna, let me explain!" And he hits the switch, she's gone. Just like that. I blink, wow. I wonder how that works.

"Oh That's how you do it!" He cheers, Lord of Time my butt. More like Lord of Rude.

Seeing him about to head for the doors, I run out and back to the others.

"Doctor!" River yells as I run up to her, the sound of the Doctor's shoes only a few steps behind me. He is not going to be happy with me...

"Wha-" I face him, keeping River a few steps in between us and covering my unease at the conflict with an act of indifference,

he points at me and then back at the teleport looking the picture of confused. I raise one eyebrow and cross my arms. Yes, I know I'm the queen of ninjas, thank you.

he continues to stutter, taking a few more steps forwards. "wha- what? But I? I thought you?"

"I'm not leaving." I state, and while he's still distracted be my disappearing act, I put on my gymnastics coach voice. It's probably the most authoritative I've sounded this whole trip. "Dave? Just in case, stay still. Don't move."

"But it's gone, I'm fine!" He starts to move his arms again and I cut him off. "Just do it Dave. That's not how this works."

"But why?" He asks though thankfully staying still this time. There's always that one person who just has to question everything, isn't there?

"No, seriously do as she says." What? No reprimand? I glance over at the Doctor, eyebrows rising high, but he's busy circling Dave, so I brush it off.

"Dave? Is... is there anyone back home you want to say anything to? -Just in case. I know it looks like it's gone now but just in case, is there anything at all you'd regret not saying. Anything.


"As I said; just in case." There are so many things a want to tell my family... no. This is about Dave

"My- uh, my sweetheart Connie. She's waiting for me. We're gonna get married..." he starts slowly, unsurely. Oh no. Poor poor Connie.

"Is there a message you'd want relayed back? If something were to happen to you that is."

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