9⚡Arin reveals the truth

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I kept on loving you knowing that you will hurt me one day.

I kept on loving you knowing that you will hurt me one day

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The morning light woke Sri up from her slumber. Her health felt better than last day. She went to her window and watered the bonsais. She loved gardening. These plants were cherished by her like her own children.

The golden sun rays fell on her body followed by the cool breeze that swept through her locks filled her with freshness. She began humming as she watched the birds play in her garden. She saw her shirtless brother jogging around the perimeters of the lawn. Jungkook's tattoo shone brightly. His six-pack body gave him an extra dangerous look.

A sudden rustling caught her attention. She turned around to find the brunette sound asleep on the couch. Taehyung looked like a furry bear under the blankets. She felt sorry to drag him in their mess but what choice did she have? There was only one rule in the Gangster World, 'Kill or get killed.' Every moment you live is a battle of survival. The superior always overpowers the inferior and S was the superior one.

Taehyung shifted in his position. Sri quickly tore her eyes from him. This doctor was messing up with her mind. She decided to get down for breakfast.

Taehyung sat up on his butt and squinted his eyes to adjust to the bright sun rays. The first thing he checked was, Sri. He sprang onto his feet when he spotted an empty bed. He checked the washroom but found no one. He was about to run out of the room when he met Jimin.

"Which train are you going to catch, parksang-nim (doctor)?" The blonde asked with sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Did you see Sri?" Tae replied with restlessness.

"She is downstairs." Taehyung released a breath of relief. But Jimin decided to tease him more. "Are you already so much obsessed with her?"

Taehyung turned into a tomato while Jimin mischievously smirked. He cleared his throat before speaking, "I am just worried about my life. Hope I get out from here, alive." With that, he closed the door on Jimin's face.

"DAebak! (My god!) This doctor has become savage!" Jimin gasped.


"And this one is our gym room." Jimin pointed to the last door of the corridor.

Taehyung and Jimin were exploring the house, the latter being the tour guide. Tae was awestruck to see the vastness of this mansion. It had everything. Starting from Gym rooms, to weapons, cruel-looking men, numerous maids, efficient bodyguards, handsome criminals, practice rooms, huge computer rooms, office rooms, forensic labs and elegant bedrooms. The residents of the house were S, Jk, Jimin, Namjoon, Arin and some handful of men.

Taehyung also got to know that S was fond of botany. She cherishes flowers because though they are delicate, they provide you with calmness. They have unique characteristics. Each one seems different from the others. They seem so carefree. Flowers are true gifts of Mother Nature.

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