25⚡ Snapped

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I felt so much that I started to feel nothing.....

I felt so much that I started to feel nothing

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️

Mention of rape and other triggering scenes ahead.


Killing is not glorified here. It is a criminal offense.

Soojung gulped in fear as she heard the demon's voice. Soon she spotted the same man approaching her in a clumsy gait. She kept stepping back until her back hit the wall. She was pinned by the guy. Tears began to stream down her cheeks. She took a look at Jungkook. He was well hidden. She hoped the man would leave him alone if she sacrificed herself.

"Ajussi, please I am sorry. Let me go." She begged under the man's unholy gaze. She didn't have an idea what was he going to do. But her shivering spine indicated it would not be something good.

"I'll let you go once I am satisfied." He showed off his dirty teeth. Soojung felt nauseous in his stinky breath.

The road was empty for the time being. The old man slowly removed her jacket. He licked her bare collar bone. She cried aloud in disgust. "STOP IT mmmhh!!" He put his palm on her mouth to suppress her voice.

Soojung was choking. Her eyes were blurry in tears. She kept on wriggling to get free while the miscreant slowly unhooked her skirt. Her little limbs did no damage to his roughly built body. She saw a woman at the window of the apartment. She was 2 floors up and was looking down at her. Soojung felt hopeful. Probably she would save her. Her mouth was shut but she begged with her eyes. But the woman shut the window and went inside her cozy room. Soojung waited for her to arrive but the latter was too selfish to get involved. She pretended as if she saw nothing.

Her lower half was now completely exposed. The man gave a satisfied look at her body and then unbuttoned his pants...

The next few minutes were filled with Soojung's ear-piercing cries. Even if anyone heard her, no one came for rescue. Jungkook blocked his ears tightly and sobbed. "It's a dream. You will wake up soon, Jungkook." He chanted to himself. He couldn't believe all these were happening to them. Another cry from his sister made Jungkook brave enough to peek at what was happening.

Soojung never had a more painful experience before this. She felt it hard to breathe properly. Sticky blood was covered in her legs and face. After the man successfully exploited her, he felt some pity and pulled the skirt back on her waist. The twelve-year-old fell on the ground as soon as the man let go of her body. She was too weak to stand. Her eyes were shutting down. She wondered for how long she could fight back her drowsiness.

Jungkook saw the man wearing his pants. Soojung was lying on the ground. She wasn't moving. He could spot some blood under the dim streetlight. He thought of the worst-case but had no idea about what the man actually did to her. He busted into tears and crawled out. "Noona..."

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