31⚡ Melodious Cries

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Now you're just a stranger with all my secrets...

Taehyung got into his room and slumped down on the ground

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Taehyung got into his room and slumped down on the ground. What was he trying to do back then? He couldn't believe in himself. He gripped his hair and yelled out his frustration. Since when did he become so hostile? He had pledged to save people's life how can he try to take one??

He felt guilty and irritated at himself. He was too ashamed to confess his intentions to Sri. He sat in the same positions for hours. His feet were still bleeding. He refused to treat them until his overcame his guilt which may not be in this life.

A sudden knock startled the depressed brunette. He rubbed his cheeks with his palm and hummed in response. He thought it was Sri but it was someone who was least expected.

"You're bleeding..." Namjoon pointed out. Taehyung shifted in his position uncomfortably. He clearly didn't see that coming from the elder's mouth.

Namjoon chuckled and approached him. He gave his hand for Tae to take. The later gaped at him in surprise. He wasn't used to Namjoon's sweet gesture. "C'mon, I don't bite." Taehyung blinked and finally stood up with his help.

As soon as Tae pressed his weight on his feet it stunk like hell. His eyes were almost teary at the piercing pain. He didn't realize it before because he was engulfed with other emotions. "It okay, I can do it myself!" He spoke out a little louder than usual when Namjoon placed his feet on his lap.

Namjoon chuckled, "Consider it my way for telling sorry. I have treated you badly ever since you came here."

"I-its okay, I never held a grudge against you." Tae was still uncomfortable with all these. He didn't know what had got into this man.

"I was just jealous. It hurt my pride when another doctor came here and S gave him more responsibility than me. But I realized I was wrong. You are much more skilled than me." Tae hissed when Namjoon pulled a shred of glass.

"Its okay. Maybe I would have done the same in your place." Tae smiled faintly.

"I don't know if Sri is going to let you live or kill you but I want us to make up before its too late." Namjoon genuinely spoke. There was no particular reason for him to apologize, he was a good man. He was just consumed by jealousy and realized his mistake.

Taehyung's heart once again dropped at the mention of Sri. He gulped to control his emotions. He didn't know what to reply to the doctor before him.

"Are we good now?" Namjoon asked with a sheepish smile. He had already treated Taehyung's legs by now. Taehyung returned back the smile and nodded.


⚠️Triggering scenes⚠️

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