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Okay so I've been doing a lot of thinking and I see that this story is getting close to 30+ chapters and I'm going to keep going. Right now I have two phases planned but it's not exactly set in stone. I would really like more comments so please tell me how I'm doing!


Two weeks Later

I sat at the desk in my room putting off getting ready for this gala that Tony wanted me to go with him. Pepper wanted to stay home with the baby and Tony didn't want to go alone so I had too. I honestly didn't know how I got roped into this.

But I might as well get up, I don't want Tony getting mad at me. I lugged myself up and started putting on the midnight blue dress that was set out on my bed. It was a simple strap less knee length dress that actually made my green eyes look darker.

Thankfully I didn't have to wear my sling anymore so I gladly did away with that. I brushed then flat ironed my hair as best I could and prayed that it would stay for the whole night. It probably wouldn't. Then I slipped on a pair of peep toe heels that matched my dress.

“Tony?!" I yelled down the hall. This was a habit of ours, instead of using Jarvis we just screamed at each other. “What? You Boob!" he screamed back. I giggled and followed his voice. I found him with Pepper in their room. She was tying his bow tie for him.

“How big are your pockets?" I ask walking in. “I don't know big enough..." He says confused at my question. “Good." I stick my smallest brush in his pocket and walk to the play pen. I peer in and see Mina looking right back up at me with her foot in her mouth.

“Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I coo tickling her under her chin. She giggles and rolls away from me. I walk away just as Pepper finishes with Tony's tie. “You guys have fun. Tony don't drive too fast. And Nessa you look beautiful." Pepper adds making me blush.

I give her a quick hug and hurry after Tony. “Wait you're driving?" I ask him as we head down to the basement. He doesn't say anything and opens the garage door. “Take your pick." He says dramatically. I squeal running straight to the fiskar.

“Nice pick kid." He unlocks it and I slide in with excitement. The soft leather almost makes me melt into a puddle of goop. I hear Tony chuckling before he speeds out of the garage and out onto the street.

It's dark outside so I don't have much to look at while we drive, but Tony fills me in on what would happen at the gala. Paparazzi would take our picture and some would ask questions, but he would do most of the talking thankfully.

I filled myself into thinking that I could do this but when we drove up the line I felt like taking control of the steering wheel and going back home. In a few seconds my door was opened and lights and flashes flooded in.

I joined Tony on the other side and tried to not put my head down and close my eyes. We walked down the red carpet and people were shouting questions from all side of the barriers but Tony ignored them like a pro.

We walk to a wall and pause for pictures that seem to take forever and then went onto the press line. This time I just kept quiet.

“Are you the mutant girl from New York?", “Tony tell us about your new child.", The reporter shot off questions like a bottle rocket. But Tony smiled stiffly. “Nessa has a name miss." He says squeezing my shoulder gently.

“And I am declining to talk about my baby. It's a privacy thing." He says before moving onto the next reporter. They all pretty much ask the same questions and Tony gives them the same answer.

We finally turn and head inside to the ball room. “How come you won't talk about Mina?" I ask as we head up a set of steps.

“Hmmm.... I think the less Mina is in the spot light the better her life will be. Even with you, it puts a lot of stress on you just having your face in the papers. They're gonna hound you until you give them what they want." He says guiding us through the near empty hallway.

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