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One month Later

My eyes opened tiredly to hear the hungry cries of Cara. I knew it was her since she had this bad cold that wouldn't go away. It made her cough every couple of seconds.

I groaned and shoved Nate. “Its your turn." I mumbled. He grumbled something under his breathe and rolled over. I sat up hearing his snores again and punched him hard in the shoulder. “Oww... what the hell Nessa?" He groaned sitting up in bed.

I glared at him angrily, “Get your ass up and go feed Cara. It's your freaking turn. I've been up all freaking night and I'm exhausted. GO!" I yelled. He held up his hands and got up. I sighed hearing the door click shut and my head dropped back onto my pillow.

I was asleep within seconds.


When I woke up the twins were changed and asleep in their bassinet beside my bed. I sat up and started my day quickly. The twins would not wait for me to take a quick shower. Some one would always need a feeding, or changing, or just plain wanting to be held.

Especially since Cara was sick she wanted to be held by her Daddy and only her Daddy. It was frustrating when Nate was working and I couldn't get her to quiet down. I was getting worried since she wasn't getting any better and I was getting so tired.

I heard Michael wake up and cry out for me. He still despised sharing a space with his sister. And would cry whenever he was near her. He was a total mommas boy and I was fine with that. He was my sweet boy who was timid and quiet.

That was when the twins weren't together. I dried off quickly and put on a dress. “I'm coming baby boy..." I mumbled hearing him cry louder.

I opened the door and stopped short. A woman wearing a golden dress stood holding a sleeping Cara. She stood swaying from side to side and and her golden brown hair cascaded down on the left side of her face.

She didn't look at me and sang a soft lullaby to her. I stood frozen and afraid to make any sudden moves. When she finished singing she looked up at me and showed her face for the first time.

I instantly knew who she was, “Serena..." I whispered. She nodded and looked back down at Cara. “I'm sorry... for having to pop up like this out of the blue... but I felt that I needed to clear my   name." She said her voice as soft as a whisper.

“Please give me my baby..." I whispered. She nodded and walked a few steps to me. Cara stirred a little and snuggled into my breast wanting to eat. I stuck my pinky in her mouth so she would keep quiet for a little bit.

“My sister... might think that I want to cause you harm. But I don't, in fact I wanted to tell Circe that I forgave her long ago for the fight that we had." She said sitting down on the chair by the window.

“But I know who would want to hurt you... more specifically your babies." She said making me clutch Cara closer to me. She sighs. “I've done a bit of searching and I visited The Other's body. Judging by an old trace of magic. I was able to track down the owner. A witch named Henrietta." She told me.

Cara began to fuss in my arms and I looked to Serena, “Do you mind...?" I asked her pleadingly. She shook her head. “No not at all do what you must." She said waving her hand.

I nodded and sat down to nurse Cara. “This Henrietta... who is she?" I asked throwing a blanket over Cara. “Henrietta is a young inexperienced witch... well she was the last time my sister and I encountered her. That's actually what our fight was about. Circe wanted to kill her once and for all she was causing too much trouble in the kingdom. And her attacks were becoming deadly." She said wringing her delicate hands.

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