Part 15

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Okay I changed Nessa and Nathan's ages to about Fifteen 

(Nessa's POV)

Why do I always seem to get myself into these situations? Seriously what did I do to deserve this? 

"What are we doing at Stark Towers?" I asked Loki warily. He still had my fore arm in a vice like grip and no matter how hard I twisted and turned he seemed to hold it tight and steady. At this rate I'd probably loose circulation to my arm in a couple of minutes.

"You are merely here to watch. I am here to claim the throne of Midguard!" His eyes glowed bright with that creepy florescent blue that I am now growing to hate. It seemed like the brighter they got the less of the real Loki I saw.

I need to get out of here. I look up from Loki' s scary eyes when I hear the sound of rockets approaching. Thank God for Tony and his uncanny ability to show up at the right time.

Loki heard Tony approaching and let go of my arm. I glared at his back as i felt the tingling in my arm, signifying the return of blood into my arm. 

I huffed angrily and attempted to follow him but ran smack dab into... air.

"What the heck?" I screamed punching the invisible wall in front of me. It momentarily shimmered green and then went back to its previous state of me not being able to see it. 

God I'm starting to hate evil Loki. I dropped to the floor and sat down Indian style while Tony walked in still staring down Loki. 

“Nessa what are you doing here we've been looking for you for days!" His expression mirrored mines. 

“Your guess is as good as mine. Is Nate alright?" I asked him worriedly. Tony waved his hand to the side nonchalantly. 

"Nate is fine. It's your Dad you should be worried about. He's been worried sick." Tony says going behind the bar. 

"That man..." Loki says with malice in his voice, and maybe a hint of jealousy. "Is not her father! I am." He screams loudly. 

I jump in surprise and scoot away from him a little bit. Tony just rolls his eyes and keeps pouring what looks like Scotch.

'Okay God of what ever you are." Tony says sipping his drink. 

"I have come to threaten you..." I groan and close my eyes tightly. Suddenly I get this pounding migraine in my head and a burning sensation making its way slowly up my legs. 

In desperation I lay fully on the ground trying to get the pain to disperse. That does nothing to help and I find myself biting my lip so hard that I start to taste blood. 

Now that burning pain was all over my body, it had spread quickly like lava in my veins. 

And there was this horrible sound coming from some where. Over the loud noise I heard a crash and looked over in time to see Tony go flying out of the window.

I try my best to sit up but end up staying in my spot. My eyes are about to close involuntarily when I feel a cold breeze floating over me. Then darkness.

(Third person POV)

Loki was swept out of the window, but Nessa still lay sprawled out on the floor of Tony's living room. But as soon as Loki was out of the room and on one of the lower balconies, Nessa seamed to glow. 

A bright green aura flowed from her still body, growing bigger and brighter until it exploded shattering the invisible box, and all the windows on that floor. 

She lay there still for a few minutes until she sat up suddenly.

(Nessa's POV)

I sat up pain free and energized like that pink bunny on those battery commercials. "What just happened?"I whispered to my self. 

“If i may be of any assistance, I believe you just had a surge of energy." A posh voice suggested. I jumped in surprise and looked behind me. 

No one. "Uh... hello?" I mumbled getting up from the floor. "Hello My name is JARVIS. I am Master Stark's AI system. I was designed to be basically his virtual butler." Jarvis explains.

I was still confused but that cleared it up a bit. "So you can help me right?" I ask, feeling a little stupid not talking directly to Jarvis' face.

"Yes that is what I was designed for." Jarvis says. "I hear a hint of sarcasm Jarvis, but I like you already." I say peeking out of the window. 

I see Thor standing out on the balcony watching the ugly screeching aliens zooming by. "Hey Thor!" I yell also while trying to not fall out of the once window. 

"Nessa?" He bellows already swinging his hammer to fly towards me. I step back as he lands with a thud in front of me. Without wasting a minute he gathers me in a bone crushing hug. 

"I'm so glad you are alright." He says putting me down carefully. I take a couple of breathes before I can speak. 

"Can you stop Loki? He is going to take over the world. Do you hate me since you know my father is kinda evil, and he used to be your brother, but went a little bit crazy, and I don't really.." I blubbered with tears starting to blur my visions. 

Thor's heavy hand resting on my shoulder, made me stop and look up. "I will never hate you Nessa, it is important for you know that. As for Loki.... I do not know. " he says getting a far off look in his eyes. 

A explosion in the distance makes him come out of his trance and look at me seriously. "I need to go now Nessa, but you have to promise me that you will stay here." 

"Okay but please kick Loki in the but hard for me a couple times."I say with my best smile, of course Thor takes the bait and flies off after giving me another hug. 

I feel bad for lying but I need to help. I can't just stay up here the whole time. "Jarvis call my dad." I yell walking over to Tony's fridge. 

I find some ice cream and get a spoon out to eat it with. Within seconds Dad picks up. "Who is this and how did you get this number?" he demands in his usual gruff voice.

"Dad its me Nessa!" I yell over an explosion. "Nessa! Where are you young lady. I have been so worried!" He rambles. I can see him now, rubbing his head an old habit of his.

"I'm sorry I've been a little preoccupied! I'm okay though, but I have to go!" I say taking a bite of ice cream. "Disconnect." I say before dad can say anything else.

"Um... can you call... wait never mind Jarvis."

Putting my ice cream down I search out one particular mind in all of New York City. 'Nathan, I'm at Stark Towers. Just come get me I'm fine.' 

I sit and wait for a few minutes when Nathan comes flying through one of the already broken windows. On fire. 

"Oh my god."I say running up to him. The fire dissolves when I meet him and he grabs me in a tight hug. Then he pulls back and kisses me full on the lips.

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