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I had a hard time writing this chapter since it was a filler. And I hate filler chapters, they are so hard... But it must be done, so don't blame me if this is a bad chapter.




Also on a side note I will be setting up some kind of schedule for the summer since I will not have a lot of free time. That "free time" will be spent packing up boxes and assorted things that you find in houses and shipping it back to the states.... So I will have to delegate my time wisely.

Oh the fun....

I ran as fast as I could down the hall towards my room, but wearing a dress wasn't exactly helping my speed. "Nessa, you can't escape me. You're going to have to face me some time today!" My mother yelled behind me.

I ducked around a corner and teleported to the stables were Sleipnir was waiting for me. I hopped onto his back and rode as fast I I could out of there. We went straight to the meadow and I was prepared to hide out here as long as I would need to from my mother.

She was trying to force me into trying out dresses today but I really didn't want to. Not with her. My mother had been going crazy with wedding details since she had found out three weeks ago.

Nate and I weren't planning on getting married for a few months, but of course whatever our mothers wanted they got. So we were scheduled to get married in approximately six weeks. I haven't even gotten the chance to get back Earth to tell everyone.

Nate and I were going to do that soon.... I hope.

I turned around at the sound of another horse coming near. I gripped Sleipnir' s reigns, ready to bolt in case it was my mother but I relaxed when I recognized my father. In his lap he had Malin with him, I guess as a peace offering.

I gave him a look before he could even say anything and he held a hand up to stop me from talking. "I'm not hear to fight... I know you're mother can be a bit over bearing. But I promise you if you just go and get your fitting over with it will go quickly." He said pulling up beside me.

I reached over and grabbed a squirming Malin from his arms and thought for a minute. " Its just hard, because she's so... crazy sometimes. And I just need some calm... you know." I explained playing with Malin' s little fingers.

She gurgled and started to bite on my fingers. Of course it didn't hurt because she still had no teeth but it felt so weird. "I'll speak with your mother. Now let's go back, and get this done with." He said running a hand through his hair.

"You need a hair cut." I say turning Sleipnir around he huffs in agreement and Loki scoffs at the both of us. "You both need hair cuts." He teased ruffling my hair up. I scowled at him and fixed my crazy hair back into place.

"Malin' s hair is starting to grow out too." I remarked fiddling with the little wisps of her hair that were curling into little rolls. She grabbed onto my hand and looked at it curiously. I laughed and wiggled my fingers to her absolute delight. She laughed and smacked her hands against  Sleipnir' s mane happily.

I like Malin better than you! He teased. I kicked him in the side and he turned his head and sent me a death glare. Yup, I like her waaaayy better than you.

Malin leaned forward and took some of his hair and stuck it into her mouth. I cringed and took it out her reach. She turned and looked at me sadly, but I shook my head. "Not everything is food Malin. I'm afraid Sleipnir would taste disgusting." I said slipping my hand around her waist so that she didn't fall.

Sleipnir snorted and swished his mane like in one of those Old Spice commercials. I'm afraid I taste delightful. Isn't that right Malin?

She let out a bubbly laugh and started to pet his hair. I rolled my eyes at my siblings and looked up to see Dad watching us with a smile on his face. "Am I your favorite Dad?" I asked sweetly. He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't show favoritism." He said as we entered the stables.

I laughed and handed Malin down to him once he had gotten of his horse. "Now off you go." He says pushing me in the direction of the palace. I groan before walking straight to my death.


"Mom please try not to go over board. I really don't want anything too poofy." I tell her. she nods not even sparing me a glance and keeps looking through dresses. I roll my eyes and look over at the seamstress. She gives me a knowing and a pity filled look.

"Mom." I say firmly. She sighs and turns around, "What is it honey?"

"Can you just slow down... I want you to help me pick out a dress, but can I pick something I like." I tried reasoning and she looked at me like I was the one going crazy.

"Nessa I'm just trying to help." she turns around and I pick up a book from the little table and chuck it at her hoping to knock some sense into her. But of course I forgot she's a sorceress, the most powerful one for that matter and my plan back fires.

Instead I get hit in the head and... it hurt.

I give up on her front and turn to the seamstress. "Can I just tell you what I want?" I ask her. She nods and sits down at a table and waves me over.

I start to list the things I want while keeping an eye on my mother at the racks.


To say I was exhausted was a big fat lie. I was drained of energy by the time I laid down on my bed to go to sleep. But my eyes just didn't want to close and I found myself counting sheep until I finally fell asleep.

My dreams that night weren't remotely pleasant at all...

I dreamed that Nate had died all over again. Except this time he didn't wake up. In my dream I screamed so loud that the ground began to shake violently.

Everything grew bright and then there was an explosion that threw me away. Instantly I was awake and panting hard trying to catch my breath. But even that simple task couldn't calm me down and I began hyperventilating.

I pulled my self up and out of bed only to crumple onto the floor and when I had finally given up the door to my room swung open. I looked up and reached out to my father.

He scooped me up and pressed my against his chest in a protective way and began to rock me back and forth. I sobbed as Nate's dead eyes flashed across my eyes and Loki shushed me. "Its alright love...I promise. You're safe and you're alright." He whispered continuously to me.

"It was real... It was real." I whimpered with tears falling down my cheeks. "Nessa it's alright I promise." He said gathering me up in his arms and sliding into my bed. I stayed silent as I tried to fight sleep but it was proving to be difficult.

"Nessa you need your sleep, I'll stay with you I promise." Dad said smoothing my hair back on my forehead. I nodded slowly and began to close my eyes. Right when I fell asleep I heard the door open.

"Is she asleep now?" it was my mother. Loki sighed heavily and tightened his grip on me. "She just fell back asleep... I'm going to stay with her tonight." He whispered to her. Then I finally succumbed to my exhaustion and passed out.

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