Ch.8 (Authors note at the end. Please answer the question)

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Hey it's Friday! I'm updating early because I don't know if I will I have time this weekend (essay to finish) So this is where all the crazy time skips stop and we get onto the main plot. I'm really glad you guys are excited about this story and it makes me want to write endlessly. So thanks for all the love! <3

Nessa POV (14 years old)

Ugh! Algebra class is so boring. This was the only class that I didn't have with Nate and it was boring. Ms. Keriu just loved to explain her lessons in painfully slow details. I sighed and looked down at my math book.

My eyes quickly skimmed over the information and I reviewed the concept that we were going over. Something that had to do with fractions stuff that I had already gone over. I looked up and leaned my head onto my palm trying to focus.

If Ms. Keriu caught you not paying attention it was an automatic detention, and I have better things to do than spend an hour after class with the old lady. She had this annoying habit of eating these mints.

It wasn't like occasional slip one to freshen your breathe it was shove a bunch of them into your mouth every few minutes. It was one of the many habits that I had observed with this particular teacher.

Nate says that I over analyze people but that's just my way of figuring out people. I wonder what Nate was doing? Probably thinking of his next prank that he would do. If you haven't figured out by now Nate and I had gotten over our extreme hatred for each other.

Clint says that it's a curse. We're inseparable and together we're a recipe for disaster. Clint also thinks that Jello is gross so I can't really trust his judgment on how evil Nate and I really are.

The bell rang and I quickly stuffed my things into my binder. I hurried out of class and went to my last class P.E.

“Okay so I was thinking." Nate began saying as he joined me in the hall. “I was thinking that we should prank your dad next." He said looking at me with hope.

“No." I said without thinking. He made a face and let out a childish whine. “Whhhhhyyyy?" I rolled my eyes and dodged a kid. “Because we'd be totally suspect, and my dad is the spy. He would see us coming for a mile."

“Fine. Maria?" he suggested. I nodded my head and was about to say something but I was bumped out of the way.

I whipped around and saw Jacee Killian flirting up a storm with Nate. I let out an irritated sigh and gave Nate a look. He gave me a pleading look back but I smirked remembering when he switched the sugar with salt.

I ignored his calls for help and ran laughing into the girls locker room. I quickly stuffed my things into my locker and went into the bathroom to throw on some shorts. I came back out and pulled a shirt from the locker and took off my shirt.

As I was doing it Jacee walked in and gave me a dirty look but then she smirked. I rolled my eyes again and went back to what I was doing. I put on my shirt and was about to walk out when I caught everyone looking at me.

“What?" I snapped. They all flinched and pretended to be doing something all but Jacee. I gave her a pointed look and she smiled devilishly. “Where'd you get the tattoo Nessa?" She sneered.

I gave her a confusing look. “What I don't have a tattoo..." I told her looking at my arms. “On your back." the quiet girl Ally spoke up. I frowned and went to the mirror twisting so I could see my back.

I screamed when I saw it. It was a circle of intricate and ancient design that I certainly did not have this morning. I tugged my shirt down and stormed out of the locker room.

“NATE!!!" I screeched when I saw him halfway across the gym with a group of guys. He jumped at my voice and turned around confused.

He met me halfway when he saw me storming to him. “What?!" he asked. “What did you do to my back?" I hissed lowering my voice so that nosy people wouldn't here.

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