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I wake up the next morning well rested and with some energy. But that went out the window as soon as I saw Nate sleeping peacefully beside me. I hugged my arms around his upper torso and his warm arms gathered around me.

“It's early Nessa...." He sighs going straight back to sleep. I smile and fall back asleep with him. It isn't until later when he is playing with my hair, that we actually get up and start our day. Nate is sitting on the bed reviewing the paper from last night when I finish getting dressed.

I climb up onto the bed behind him and press my face into his bare back. “You're so warm...." I sigh audibly. His back vibrates as he laughs at my craziness.

I sit up on my knees and run my hands through his messy hair. He has cow licks all in his hair and it leaves it sticking up and odd places. I let my magic weave through his hair and make it all stay down.

“Here read this." He says handing me the paper as he gets up. I take it and he goes into the bathroom I hear the water start and I settle back with the paper.

The annual Conference of Kings. The top reads. Okay then it has something to do with Nate. All kings of the ten realms are to meet on the next solstice on Asgard. Odin the All Father will be hosting this year. So is this like some kind of party? You may bring on companion. It ends with.

I think about six months ago.... I really did not want to see my mother but I did want to see Loki. And I really wanted to see Odin, and Frigga again. They were pretty cool people. Then there was Sleipnir, smart ass... I think.

Nate comes out of the bathroom running a towel through his hair a few minutes later. “So what are you going to do today? l jump of the bed and slip on a pair of shoes. “Hmmmm..." He thinks for a moment. “I have a few prisoners to sentence, they helped carry out the crimes of my father." he says forlornly.

“But after that nothing, today is Thursday so it isn't that busy." He says mostly to himself. He closes his eyes and shimmers a bit before he has his full atire on. “Yay the cape!" I squeal grabbing the ends and swishing it around.

Nate laughs loudly and grabs me to keep me from messing with his cape anymore.


I wander around the lower gardens and think deeply about my life. Like a philosopher...

My life is crazy, I have two sets of parents, a sister and a horse for a brother. My father was manipulated into nearly destroying a planet. The guy who manipulated him is my boy friend's father. My boy friend's mother is Death in her truest form. My mother is the most powerful sorceress in all the galaxy. I'm going to have a hard time living up to her legacy...

But the biggest thing of all is me. I could go one way or the next but at the end of the day it all falls down to me and my abilities to make good decisions. For instance, it may have been a bad decision to confront Jacob head on with out a weapon. But I made that decision so that my Dad would not be injured.

I don't regret it and would do it all over again if it would save the ones I love.


I get bored running around the gardens so I somehow find my way to the throne room. I mask myself so that I blend in with my surroundings and I enter the room. Immediately Nate sees right through my guise and he makes eye contact with me up on his throne.

Sorry I got bored... I whisper into his mind. He rolls his eyes with a hint of a smile on his lips and turns back to the proceedings. I make sure no one else can notice me and continue on.

The throne room is impressive, with high granite pillars and a floor that felt a bit like obsidion. Along the high walls torches burned with fires that illuminated the area easily.

I turned to the trial and saw burly guards holding a man with shackles around his neck and hands. He looked terrified of what was going on and was silent. Nate however stared at him deeply with a fierce look in his eyes while a man read what sounded like the crimes of this particular person.

When the man finished reading Nate stood from his throne and walked down the steps. He stopped in front of the man and motioned for the guards to stand him up. “For your crimes against the people of Titan you are hearby sentenced to death."

The man's reaction was instantaneous as he jumped to his offer and attempted to fight. But the guards were faster they yanked him back and he flew onto the floor.

Nessa! Leave. Nate ordered me. His demand rang clear in my mind and I was stunned. Now Nessa! I jumped as a spark if electricity flowed through my mind and I was gone.


“Fuck!" I shouted loudly when I fell to the ground hard. My landing was rough and my mind was swimming with unclear thoughts. But there was one thing that was clear.

I was pissed.

For about an hour I stomped around the forest trying to let my anger dissipate but it wouldn't so I was now trying to figure out how to get back.

Of course Nate had to land me in the middle of the forest, where he knows I won't be able to find my way out. I can only teleport to a place that I know where it is so I had to think hard.

“Ugh! That Fucker!" I cursed kicking a pebble hard. So hard it flew at a tree, flipped off of it and nailed me smack in the head. I gritted my teeth in frustration. This was getting me nowhere.

I sat down on a boulder and closed my eyes. I focused on clearing my mind. After a few minutes I started to get a view of where I wanted to go and I used my powers to go there.

This time when I opened my eyes I was standing in front of Nate's bedroom door. I growled lowly in anger. When I pushed the doors open I was surprised to find Nate waiting for me on the bed. I glared at him and stomped to the bathroom.

I closed the door before he could say a word and took a shower. I got all the dirt and twigs out of my hair, and got it so that it didn't look as much like a bird's nest.

I sighed tiredly when I remembered I didn't bring any clothes with me. I tightened the towel around me and walked out into the bedroom.

“Nes- what are you doing?" I turned from where I stood at the wardrobe and glared at him fiercely. “Getting clothes." I snapped. He sighed loudly as I turned around went back to searching for my night clothes.

“Don't be mad..." He began but I cut him off with a scoff. “Don't be mad? Nate you sent me to a forest! A mother fucking forest!" I yelled.

“I freaking hate Nature!" I spat. I turned stiffly and grabbed some underwear and pajama pants from my bag and slipped them on while still holding on to my towel.

I grabbed a Mickey mouse t-shirt and dropped the towel before slipping it on over my head. I tuned as I gathered my hair up and saw Nate staring at me openly.

“What?" I was still angry but the gears in my head were working. “Uh.... you just caught me off guard." He mumbled. I smiled triumphantly. “Good cause you're not gettin none." I hiss as I walk past him and get into bed.

I get comfortable as I mumble curses under my breath. “A forest... I hate forests... Stupid butt head... I fall asleep just as Nate gets in the shower and drift into a restless sleep.

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